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Intel Parallel Studio VTune Amplifier

378 bytes removed, 23:24, 27 November 2020
# [ Jay Yin]
== Features & Usage ==
Intel Parallel Studio Profiler can be installed as the standalone version, through the web server interface and as the integrated version in Microsoft Visual Studio or with the Eclipse IDE.
By default VTune Profiler integrates into Visual Studio. For the installation wizard, you need to have the version of Visual Studio specified used for integration in the IDE. If there are several versions of Visual Studio then click the Customize link to use the version needed for integration in the installation wizard on the Choose Target page.
If VTune Profiler is already installed and needs to be integrated into the Visual Studio IDE:
# Open the installation wizard from '''Control Panel''' > '''Programs and Features''' > '''Intel VTune Profiler version''' > '''Uninstall/Change'''
# Select the '''Modify''' option
# On the '''Select Components to Modify''' wizard page, select '''Graphical user interface'''
# Click '''Next'''