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Tutorial7: Links / Process Management

10 bytes added, 09:14, 30 January 2020
# Write a single Linux command to create a hard link called '''~/backup/myfile.txt.lnk''' to the existing file called '''~/myfile.txt'''<br>Write a single Linux command to display detailed information for those files above displaying their i-node numbers.<br>In this case, will the inode numbers for those files above be the same or different?<br><br>
# Write a single Linux command to create a symbolic link called '''~/shortcuts/murray.saul.lnk''' to the existing directory called '''~murray.saul'''<br>Write a single Linux command to display detailed information for those files above displaying their i-node numbers.<br>In this case, will the inode numbers for those files above be the same or different?<br><br>What data is contained in the file called '''~/shortcuts/murray.saul.lnk'''?<br>What would be the size of the file called '''~/shortcuts/murray.saul.lnk'''?<br><br># Write a single Linux command to run the program called '''~/ ''' in the background.<br>What command would you issue to place the previously issued program in the foreground?<br>What command would you issue to confirm that this program is running in the background?<br>What key-combination would you issue to send that program again into the background?<br><br>
# Write a single Linux command to display running processes in “real-time”.
# Write a single Linux command to terminal a process that has the following PID: '''22384'''# 6. Use the following diagram to answer the accompanying questions. <br>Each of the following questions will use the diagram below and are treated as independent situations.<br><br>''[1] Stopped vim a''<br>[2]''- Stopped vim b''<br>''[3]+ Stopped vim c''<br><br>Write a single Linux command to bring the second-recently process placed in the background into the foreground.<br>Write a single Linux command to terminate the '''job #3''''''Bold text'''.<br><br># Create a '''table''' listing each Linux command, useful options that were mentioned in the online assignment #1 and command purpose for the following Linux commands: '''ln''' , '''ps''' , '''top''' , '''fg''' , '''bg''' , '''jobs''' , '''kill'''