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OPS435 Python3 Lab 7

1,230 bytes added, 16:08, 3 December 2019
:: A class is a type, a description of a thing, the definition of what it should look like (data attributes) and what we can do about it (function attributes).
:: An object is an instance of a class, an individual entity described by a class, a specific stuff with properties (aka attributes) defined by a class.
:: Type The exact definition of the type and what you would expect to store in objects of that type is up to you - the programmer. You would want to design your classes so that you can manage data in your program/script/application as easily as possible.
:: A few points about the mechanics of implementing classes:
:::* A class name typically starts with a capital letter, and object names should start with a lowercase letter.
:*Time object code: from '''Think Python''' by Allen B. Downey: [ Chapter 16 ] and [ Chapter 17]:*Date Data object from '''OPS435 Assignment 1''': [ special method name]
=Investigation I: Objects and Functions=
:'''Perform the following steps:'''
:1. [ Download ] or create the above Pythone script '''''' in your ~/ops435/lab7 directory. :2. Create [ Download] or create a new Python script named '''''' in the lab7 directory:<source lang="bash">
cd ~/ops435/lab7
vi ~/ops435/lab7/
:3. [Place the following content inside the new python file '''''' and save it:<source lang="python">
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Student ID: [seneca_id]
self_sec = self.time_to_sec()
t2_sec = t2.time_to_sec()
sum = sec_to_time(sec1 self_sec + sec2t2_sec)
return sum
time_seconds = self.time_to_sec()
nt = sec_to_time(time_seconds + seconds)
timeself.hour, timeself.minute, timeself.second = nt.hour, nt.minute, nt.second
return None
: Please notice that the function named sec_to_time() did not get moved under the class block. It remains as an external function.
:1. Create [ Download] or create a new python file and name it as '''''' and place the code listed above in it.
:2. Save the file, and test the new time object in an interactive Python shell: <source lang="bash">
[rchan@centos7 lab7]$ python3
:3. Please study the output of the interactive shell session above and note that in order to call the format_time() function, we have to prefix it with the class name '''Time''' as it is under the class definition in Also note that format_time() is now a method of the time object '''t1'''.
:4. You may also notice that when we called the print() function with our time object t1, the print function only showed that it is an Time object and its memory location, but did not display its properties (i.e. data attributes) like the values of its hour, minute, and second attributes.
:5. Try to find out how to test the valid_datevalid_time(), change_time() functions to make sure they all work.
:6. Download the checking script and check your work. Enter the following commands from the bash shell.<source lang="bash">
cd ~/ops435/lab7/
def __str__(self):
'''return a string representation for the object self'''
return '%.2d:%.2d:%.2d' % (self.hour, self.minute, self.second)
:1. Make a copy of and name it as Add the function definition for __str__() after the __init__() function in Make sure that the '''def __str__(self):''' line has the same indentation level as the __init__() function.
<lab7e.Time object at 0x7f830b498be0>
>>> print(t1)
>>> t1.format_time()
def __repr__(self):
'''return a string representation for the object self'''
return '%.2d.%.2d.%.2d' % (self.hour, self.minute, self.second)
:6. Add the function definition for __repr__() after the __str__() function in Please note that we use the '.' instead of ':' in the formatting string. Make sure that the '''def __repr__(self):''' line has the same indentation level as the __init__() function.
: Try the following code. Have each in a separate Python file.
: '''[]''' - local scope: <source lang="python">
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Student ID: [seneca_id]
: Sometimes you want to have an object accessible from anywhere in your program, including inside and outside any functions. Here's an example:
:1. '''[]''' - global scope <source lang="python">
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Student ID: [seneca_id]
: 2. Note that the same thing is printed over and over because the '''schoolName''' object is defined outside a function which makes it global which makes it accessible from anywhere.
: 3. Python has one weird quirk when it comes to global scope: if you assign something to an existing object inside a function - it will assume you want to create a new object in that function's local scope. That will hide the global object inside the function unless you declare it explicitly with the global keyword:: 4. '''[]''' - global keyword <source lang="python">
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Student ID: [seneca_id]
print('print() in main on schoolName:',schoolName)
:* The execution of the script '''''' shown above should give youryou the following:<source lang="bash">
[rchan@centos7 lab7]$ python3
print() in main on schoolName: Seneca
print() in main on schoolName: SSDO
::*Note that the function1() call does not modify the global '''schoolName''' object but function2() does.
: 5 As the last task for this lab: modify the script above so that it would print the following, by changing only the scope of some objects. Save the program as '''''': <source lang="bash">
print() in main on schoolName: Seneca
print() in function1 on schoolName: SICT
print() in main on schoolName: SSDO
:6. Download the checking script and check your work. Enter the following commands from the bash shell.<source lang="bash">
cd ~/ops435/lab7/
pwd #confirm that you are in the right directory
ls || wget
python3 ./ -f -v lab7i
:7. Before proceeding, make certain that you identify all errors in When the checking script tells you everything is OK - proceed to the next step.
== Object/Instance Scope ==
:'''Files to be submitted individually to Blackboard:'''
:: Name the output of <code>./ -f -v </code> as lab7_[seneca_id].txt
:: Python script files for this lab:,,,,,, and
=Lab Review=