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GPU621/Threadless Horsemen

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Introduction: The Julia Programming Language
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== Introduction: The Julia Programming Language ==
=== Bit of History ===
More Use Cases:
* Julia computing was co-founded by the co-creators of Julia to provide support, consulting and other services to organizations using Julia
* The company raised $4.6M in seed funding last year (
== Julia's Forms of Parallelism ==
# @everywhere lets all processes be able to call the function
remotecall_fetch(whoami, 2)
remotecall_fetch(whoami, 4)
# remotecall_fetch is the same as fetch(remotecall(...))
More code here:
* If you don't care about using Threads, Julia has some features called macros which look similar to OpenMP's parallel constructs
* OpenMP of course uses multi-threading, whereas Julia uses Tasks, which is what they call their coroutines / fibers
* The following is a comparison of parallel reduction in OpenMP and Julia
{| class="wikitable"
! OpenMP
! Julia
template <typename T>
T reduce(
const T* in, // points to the data set
int n, // number of elements in the data set
T identity // initial value
) {
T accum = identity;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:accum)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
accum += in[i];
return accum;
a = randn(1000)
@distributed (+) for i = 1:100000
* Note: Looks like Julia used to have a macro called @parallel so you could use, say, @parallel for, but it seems like it was deprecated in favour of @distributed
== OpenMP vs Julia Results ==
* The reason loop interchange works for OpenMP is the way we store our array in memory originally favored "Row-Major" which allows the processor to move across cached data in a row fashion faster than column based... * As you might have seen, Julia’s Loop loop interchange is worseit's for opposite reason OpenMP improves from loop interchange. * [ Julia favours "Column-Major" layouts in cache memory.] [[File:255px-Row_and_column_major_order.svg.png]] * Julia has several levels of runtime optimization (0-3)* julia -O2 scriptName.jl or julia --optimize=2 * Set the optimization level (default level is 2 if unspecified or 3 if used without a level -O)  == Vectorization == *We want to briefly touch on vectorization{| class="wikitable"|-! Using Vectorization! Expanded axpy function|-|<source>function axpy(a,x,y) @simd for i=1:length(x) @inbounds y[i] += a*x[i] endend n = 1003x = rand(Float32,n)y = rand(Float32,n)axpy(1.414f0, x, y)</source>|<source>function axpy(a::Float32, x::Array{Float32,1}, y::Array{Float32,1}) n=length(x) i = 1 @inbounds while i<=n t1 = x[i] t2 = y[i] t3 = a*t1[i] t4 = t2+t3 y[i] = t4 i += 1 endend</source>|}
* The @simd macro gives the compiler license to vectorize without checking whether it will change the program's visible behavior.
* The vectorized code will behave as if the code were written to operate on chunks of the arrays.
* @inbounds turns off subscript checking that might throw an exception.
* Make sure your subscripts are in bounds before using it or you might corrupt your Julia session.
* recap loop interchange benefits for openmp (locality of reference)* discuss [ storing arrays as column major, loop interchange was worse for julia* discuss different levels of optimizationMore info on vectorization in Julia]
== Conclusion ==
* JIT compiled to native code thanks to LLVM, faster than interpreted languages like Python, slower than compile-ahead-of-time languages like C++
* Although slower than C++, implements simpler syntax (looks similar to Python)
* The default compiler takes care of some optimization tasks for you. Don't need to worry about locality of reference (loop interchange) or vectorization
* Multi-threading is still experimental, and it's recommended to use distributed processing or coroutines (green threads) for parallelism