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SPO600 - Information for Prospective Students

419 bytes added, 22:21, 4 August 2019
What is this course about?
[[Category:SPO600]]'''Interested in taking [[SPO600]] -- Software Portability and Optimization?'''
<!-- {{Admon/caution|SPO600 will NOT be offered in Winter 2019|Due to the relocation of the Centre for Development of Open Technology (CDOT) to Newnham campus as part of the [ Seneca 2020] initiative, this course will not be offered in the Winter 2019 or Summer 2019 semesters. The information provided below may be useful if you are considering taking this course in Fall 2019.}} -->
Here is some background information you may find useful:[[File:Spo600-wordcloud.png|right|500px]]
* collaborate with open source communities globally
This is a project-oriented course, and each semester is different. In Fall 2018 2019 there will be a primary focus on optimization.
== Who can take this course? ==