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OPS235 Assignment 2

94 bytes added, 12:35, 19 March 2019
# Download the latest .tar.gz version from into your centos3 (use wget).
# Extract it into '''/var/www/html'''
# Now we need to allow Apache to modify the wordpress installation. To do this use <b>chown </b> and <b>chgrp</b> with <b>-R </b> option to make the owner and group of every file and directory inside wordpress "apache".
# Check your work so far by pointing your web browser to http://centos3/wordpress/ where you will get an error starting with "There doesn't seem to be a wp-config.php file"
# Copy the wp-config-sample.php file to wp-config.php and edit the new file:
#* Change the DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD to the appropriate values.
# Now go back to http://centos3/wordpress/ - you should see a Wordpress Welcome/Setup page.
#* Set the title to Your Name's Blog. For example for me it would be "Andrew SmithOPS235 Professor's Blog"
#* Set the password to your learn ID.
#* Set the email to your Seneca email address.
Open one or more terminals in c7host, SSH to centos3 from those terminals, and have the following ready:
* The correct RPMs are installed
* Output Status of chkconfig --list mysqldthe mysql service* Output Status of chkconfig --list the httpdservice
* MySQL output of: show databases; use mysql; select User,Password from user; use myblog; show tables;
* Output of ls -la /var/www/html/wodpresswordpress/* Output of head -30 /var/www/html/wodpresswordpress/wp-config.php* Open a firefox Firefox window with http://centos3/wordpress/
=== Rubric ===
| Wordpress showing in Firefox || 1 ||
| iptables rules configured correctly || 2 ||
| Everything ready to show || 2 ||
| Second blog post || 3 ||
| '''Total''' || 18 20 ||