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CDOT Job Opportunities

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Job Opportunities
If you are considering working in CDOT in a future semester, it is a good idea to develop some experience, open source community connections, and a portfolio of your work. You should be able to demonstrate that you solve problems creatively, work effectively in and with an open source community, have self-initiative, and that you learn new skills and knowledge as necessary.
In order to do this, you will need to go beyond what you can do in the classroom: augment your studies with personal experimentationand self-learning.
Here are some ideas:
== Job Opportunities ==
=== OSTEP Research Assistants for Fall 2018 (Sep-Dec) ===
* See the Seneca Work Integrated Learning (WIL) website for current OSTEP WIL (co-op) positions.
* Watch for additional job postings here shortly.
=== Future Opportunities ===
Watch for CDOT job postings:
* Subscribe to the [ CDOT-job-openings mailing list].
* In the Seneca WIL listings, and
* On this web page.
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