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Team False Sharing

111 bytes added, 00:03, 22 December 2017
Identifying False Sharing
As you can see According to Amdahl's Law the execution time increase with the number potential speedup of threadsany application is given by Sn = 1 / ( 1 - P + P/n ). These results are not what you would expect but Assuming 95% of our application is parallelizable, Amdahl's law tell's use there are 2 reasons that may have caused thisis a maximum potential speedup of 3.478 times. The first This is that not the overhead for creating and maintaining the threads is overwhelming larger than the contents case according to our results. We reach a speedup of 2.275 times the for looporiginal speed. The second As you can tell from the graph our code is False sharingnot scalable and these are results are very underwhelming.
=Eliminating False Sharing=