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OPS435 Python Lab 5

115 bytes added, 15:53, 4 September 2017
PART 1 - Reading Data From Files
read_data =
</source><br>Prior to closing the After you have completed accessing data within a file, you should '''close ''' the file in order to free up the computer resources. First lets check It is useful to see if first confirm that the file is already closedstill open prior to closing it.<br><br>:#Issue the following object attribute will provide a boolean value if to confirm that the file is still open (''true'' indicates closed (true) or and ''false'' indicates open (false):<source lang="python">
:#Finally, issue the following object method and object attribute to first close the file, and then verify that the file has been successfully closed:<source lang="python">
f.close() # This method will close the file
f.closed # Confirm that the file is closed
:#All together the code for reading from a file should look like the following:<source lang="python">