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OPS435 Python Lab 2

1 byte removed, 07:00, 26 May 2017
PART 1 - Using IF Statements
if True:
print('This print is apart of the if statement')
</source>What happened? It is important to note a couple of things with the IF statement:<ul><li>When an IF a if statement is True, it runs the code that is indented underneath it. In this case, we can use the boolean value "True" to make this happen, or test to see if a condition determined true or false.</li><li>Indentation means to start a line with spaces or tabs before your text. In Python, indentation can control how the program itself runs. From now on be very careful and consistent in the indetation that you make. Using indentation you can choose what code runs as part of the if statement and what code runs as part of the main program.</li></ul><br><br>
:# However if the statement is False it will not run. Any code not indented under the if statement will perform normally.<source>
if False: