:#First lets start out with a very basic script. This script will use variables to print out specific information to the screen. Make the script '''lab2a.py''' with the following content. <presource>
#!/usr/bin/env python3
age = 20
print('Hi ' + name + ', you are ' + str(age) + ' years old.')
</presource> :#Try running this script inside ipython3 and study the output:
run lab2a.py
:#This Python script is not very useful, it also gives the same output everytime it runs. In ipython3 lets use the input() function to get information from the user. Place a question or hint as a argument in the input() function, this will aid the user in typing in the correct information.
:#Now print out the variable '''colour''' and it should contain the value you entered after the prompt.
print('The colour I typed in is: ' + colour)
:#If you didn't get the colour you typed in returned, try the above steps with the input() function again.
cd ~/ops435/lab2/
:#Before proceeding, make certain that you identify any and all errors in "lab2a.py". When the check script tells you everything is "ok", you may procede to the next step.