no edit summary
** What did you learn doing this release?
** What still confuses you, or are you finding hard?
==Week 9==
* More on Code Review
** How to create a good PR?
** https://github.com/mozilla/thimble.mozilla.org/pull/1559 is a **great** example of a good PR.
** This isn't a "beginner" problem, everyone struggles with it (cf. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mozilla.dev.platform/3ig8TZ-0rN8)
** Tips:
*** Name your branches with issue numbers, or describe your fix (e.g., <code>issue-123, fix-sidebar-styling</code>)
*** If you are fixing an issue, mention the issue number in your PR subject or commit message: <code>Fix #123: Fixing styling on sidebar to not overlap title</code>). GitHub will automatically close issues that are mentioned like this when the PR is merged.
*** Don't just use the issue number. Make sure you also include text to describe your fix.
*** Commit messages don't have to be 1-line long! You can write a long description of what you did, changes that are coming as a result, advice for devs following your patch, etc.
*** If your code has some visible impact on the app, create screenshots or a screencast animated gif and include it in the PR.
*** Discuss what your change does, what it's fixing, and how you solved it.
*** Tell the reviewer how to test your change, what to pay special attention to when reviewing, and give any other guidance.
* Learning JavaScript In Depth
** Look at code in Thimble (browser and node) and Brackets
** Understand node.js programming
** Complex ideas in JS:
*** Object Literals and JSON
*** Constructor Functions and <code>new</code>
*** Prototypical Inheritance
*** The many meanings of <code>this</code>
*** [http://bonsaiden.github.io/JavaScript-Garden/#function Anonymous Functions (lambdas)]
*** [http://underscorejs.org/docs/underscore.html Self-executing anonymous functions]
*** [https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array Functional programming with Arrays], [https://github.com/adobe/brackets/blob/6affa7907fdc820f7b9083bc0ff7c9fb87fb3e57/src/language/HTMLInstrumentation.js#L93-L123 example]
*** [https://github.com/adobe/brackets/blob/ae17456a596965a1247b79ddb82c6e1518bc6e5e/src/utils/UrlParams.js Constructor functions and the prototype], [https://github.com/mozillafordevelopment/webmaker-app/blob/bfa6377bf49d14c16868dd3a4ae7b8f9fbcfcaea/lib/model.js another example]
*** [https://github.com/adobe/brackets/blob/791bcc436155cbd8e8e73429af4ca3fde0881703/src/utils/Compatibility.js Extending native prototypes]
*** [https://github.com/filerjs/filer/blob/develop/src/errors.js Dynamic property access]