→Evaluation Rubric
::'''balsam''' and '''spruce''' VMs can perform '''connect to InternetDNS queries for vm1, vm2, vm3'''
| style="text-align:right" | /1
::'''balsam''' and '''spruce''' VMs can perform '''DNS queries for vm1, vm2, vm3outside Seneca Network'''
| style="text-align:right" | /1
::'''balsam''' and '''spruce''' VMs can perform '''forward DNS queries outside Seneca Networklookups'''for ALL machines within network (listed in the table above)
| style="text-align:right" | /1
::'''balsam''' and '''spruce''' VMs can perform '''forward reverse DNS lookups''' for ALL machines within network (listed in the table above)
| style="text-align:right" | /1
::Allows forward lookup and reverse lookups to '''coniferous.trees.ops'''
| style="text-align:right" | /1
::Allows forward lookup and reverse lookups to '''vm1'''(i.e. outside 335assign network)
| style="text-align:right" | /1
::'''A''' records (existing vms balsam and spruce as well as vms to be created later)
| style="text-align:right" | /5
::'''PTR''' records (existing vms balsam and spruce as well as vms to be created later)
| style="text-align:right" | /5
::Allows forward and reverse lookup for '''coniferous.trees.ops'''
| style="text-align:right" | /1
::iptables limiting queries to '''coniferous.trees.ops''' (won't work with '''vm1''', '''vm2''', '''vm3''')
| style="text-align:right" | /1
| '''TOTAL'''
| style="text-align:right" | '''/3540'''