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OPS335 Assignment 1b - Murray Saul

24 bytes added, 10:13, 29 January 2017
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== Purpose ==
In this assignment, you will use the '''335assign virtual network''' and the '''seedling''' cloning-source that you created in assignment 1 (part 1) to create two name-servers. One of the cloned VMs (hostname: '''elmbalsam''') will be a master name server, and the other VM (hostname: '''birch''') will be a slave name server. You will install and setup the master and slave servers in order to provide various domain name resolutions for existing servers, and for servers that will be created and used in assignment #2.
=== Set-up Master Name Server ('''elmbalsam''')===
Perform the following steps for this section:
#Create a clone virtual machine called '''elmbalsam''' from the '''seedling''' cloning-source. Refer to the table below for '''address''' and '''hostname'''.
#Create a '''regular user''' for this virtual machine using '''your Seneca userID'''.
#Setup a DNS server on your '''elmbalsam''' virtual machine with noting the following items below:<ol type="a"><li>This virtual machine will be the '''Master DNS server'''.</li><li>This machine will provide '''forward''' and '''reverse''' lookups of ALL virtual machines in the '''coniferous.trees.ops''' zone, including resource records for virtual machines that do not currently exist, but will exist when you perform your assignment #2.</li><li> Make certain to include an '''MX record''' for your admin e-mail contact: '''yoursenecaid@coniferous.trees.ops'''</li><li>This machine will allow other machines to perform DNS lookups among ALL virtual machines within the '''coniferous.trees.ops''' network (i.e. recursive lookups).</li><li>Only this Master Name Server will be allowed to transfer zone files from this machine.<br><br></li></ol>
#As you will now have a functioning primary DNS server, modify your network configuration file to specify its new IPADDR.
#Create a clone virtual machine called '''birch''' from the '''seedling''' cloning-source. Refer to the table below for '''address''' and '''hostname'''.
#Create a '''regular user''' for this virtual machine using '''your Seneca userID'''.
#Setup a DNS server on your '''elmbalsam''' virtual machine with noting the following items below:<ol type="a"><li>This virtual machine will be the '''Slave DNS server''' (in case the Master Name Server goes down).</li><li>This virtual machine will obtain its zone files by copying them from the Master Name Server.</li><li>This Slave DNS server will check for updated records from the Master DNS server every day. If the initial attempt fails, then it will attempt every hour until it succeeds.</li><li>This machine will provide '''forward''' and '''reverse''' lookups of ALL virtual machines in the '''coniferous.trees.ops''' zone, the zone files for which will be obtained from '''elmbalsam.coniferous.trees.ops'''.</li><li>Only machines within the spiral.galaxies.ops domain will be allowed to query this machine.</li><li>This machine will not provide recursive lookup capabilities for any machines.<br><br></li></ol>
#As you will now have a functioning secondary DNS server, modify your network configuration file to specify its new IPADDR. You will also have to add another IPADDR for your DNS server you setup in lab #1 to allow DNS queries from your virtual machines to outside server (TIP: You cannot use your '''primary''' or '''secondary''' DNS option).
| '''seedling.coniferous.trees.ops''' || '''''' || '''Cloning-source''' used to create other servers for other assignments.
| '''elmbalsam.coniferous.trees.ops''' || '''''' || '''Master''' Name Server
::'''Murray Saul's Classes (Sections A &amp; B):'''<ol><li>Login as '''root''' on your '''host''' machine.</li><li>Change to the '''/root/bin''' directory.</li><li>Make certain that both your '''elmbalsam''' and '''birch''' virtual machines are running.<li>Issue the command to download a checking script for your assignment to your '''host''' machine: <source>wget</source></li><li>Set execute permissions and run the command: '''/root/bin/check-assn1-p2.bash'''<br>(You shell script contents will be mailed to your Seneca email and to your OPS335 instructor's Seneca email. If you do '''NOT''' receive an e-mail message in your Seneca email account, then there is a problem, and you '''MUST''' rerun or contact your OPS335 instructor immediately.<br><br></li></ol>
*'''Additional Assignment Information:'''<ol type="a"><li>This assignment is to be completed individually. '''Group submissions are not allowed'''.</li><li>Test your machine to make sure it works. If a machine is not accessible (e.g. will not boot, can not be accessed through ssh from your host, etc.), or is otherwise non-functional, you may be told to '''resubmit'''.</li><li>'''Late submissions are a subject to a penalty of 10% per day'''.</li><ol>