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OPS335 Lab 1

36 bytes added, 13:09, 14 January 2017
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In OPS235, you learned how to configure a virtual private network for the '''centos1''', '''centos2''' and '''centos3''' virtual machines. All of the virtual machines in this the OPS335 course for labs and assignments will be CLI (or "text-based), " (just as centos3 was CLI in for your OPS235 labs). All of the services that we are configuring in this course '''require a working network connection'''; therefore, it is very important that you know how to configure a network connection for your VMs, whether via command line for trouble-shooting purposes, or to create a persistent (permanent) network connection that uses static IP address (as opposed to DHCP).
This lab is a <u>review</u> of the material from labs 6 ( [ CLI Network Configuration] ), but will also show other commands in the process.