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908 bytes added, 13:23, 8 December 2016
*[ Intel Parallel Debugger Extension has been deprecated?]
While I studied this Intel Parallel Debugger Extension, I needed to learn more about Parallel Studio version.Links about Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2017 #[ link1 Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2017]#[ link2 Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2017]#[ link Intel® Parallel Studio XE Release Notes] ----'''Nov 14th - 23th17th:'''
*Links about Debug Multithreaded Applications in Visual Studio
'''Nov 18th - 23th:'''
'''Sample code to use debugging'''
* Tip for Parallel program debugging
The followings will be a great approach to improve your debugging experience.
First of all, doing debugging yourself is the best, not just see the videos or friend's working how to do debugging.
Links about Intel® # Understanding a program is important; using a serial program version, follow codes line by line to improve to understand the program. (Parallel Studio XE 2017programming usually starts from a serial version.)#[https://softwareUse the simple data for the first to understand data flow in memory, and then increase data volume for the link1 Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2017]#[ you missed the step you want to take a look in run-xe link2 Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2017]time debug mode, it will be better to start from the beginning in debug mode #[https://softwareas data situation have already changed, and threads invocation also has been link Intel® Parallel Studio XE Release Notes]