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OPS235 Lab 6 - CentOS7 - SSD

1 byte added, 07:48, 15 June 2016
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[[Image:network-config.png|thumb|right|350px|Although you can use the '''ifconfig''' command to temporarily create a static IP address connection to a network, you need to add the network settings in the '''/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts''' directory to automatically connect to the network upon Linux system boot-up.]]
=== Part 3: Configuring VM Network Setup via Command Line ('''centos3''') ===
[[Image:network-config.png|thumb|right|350px|Although you can use the '''ifconfig''' command to temporarily create a static IP address connection to a network, you need to add the network settings in the '''/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts''' directory to automatically connect to the network upon Linux system boot-up.]]
Our centos3 VM is a '''text-based only''' system, thus we cannot use a graphical tool to configure centos3 to connect to our private network. Therefore we will learn how to perform this task by using command-line tools.