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OPS235 Lab 1 - CentOS7 - VMware

7 bytes added, 10:27, 9 June 2016
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<li>When you return to the main screen, make certain that this mount point is a '''Standard Partition''' and <u>not</u> ''LVM''.</li>
<li>Add another mount point, but in the '''Add a New Mount Point''' screen, select '''/''' as the mount-point (either by typing or selecting from drop-down menu), and enter '''20480''' in for partition size and click '''Add Mount Point''' button.</li>
<li> You will return to the previous dialog box.<br><span style="background-color:yellow">For the '''/''' partition, change the file-system type from '''xfs''' to '''ext4''' and make certain that the Device Type is set to LVM</span>.</li>
<li>Repeat the same steps above for the '''/home''' partition (calculate the equivalent size for 10GB (i.e. multiplied by 1024).</li>
<li>Recheck each of the created partitions, and make certain that the file-system type is set to ''ext4'' and the Device Type should be ''LVM''.</li>