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The role of the Administrator user is to create and maintain all users and their associated projects, as well as semester start/end dates, and project/individual deadlines. When an administrator logs in, the default tabs are Summary, Manage Semester, Manage Project, Manage Users and Deadlines, all of which are described in the following sections. The layout is shown in ''Figure 3.1.4''. <br/>[[Image:admin_defaultadmin_default_3_1.JPG|center|650px|Figure 3.1.4 - Administration Layout]]
===Manage Projects===
An administrator must create at least one project before creating any student accounts. Each project must have an unique project ID, and a project name assoicated with it. When a project is added it is marked active for the current semester. Only active projects are displayed in the display list, and when a project is deleted, all assoicated users, timesheets and tasks are deleted as well. Upon deletion the administrator is prompted with an confirmation box, confirming the delete. The layout of the Manage Project Screen can be seen in ''Figure 13.52''.<br/>[[Image:manage_projectsmanage_projects_3_2.JPG|center|650px|Figure 13.5 2 - Manage Projects]]
===Manage Users===
====Adding an Administrator User====
To add an administrator, make sure the "''Adminstrator''" radio button is selected. You must enter a first and last name of the administrator, each may only be a maximum of fifty characters. An email address prefix must also be entered, currently on the Seneca College Web Mail, a valid professor email address should be formatted as "''first_name.last_name''". The email prefix may only be thirty-six characters long. Once all of the required fields have been entered, click the "''Add Administrator''" button, and the new administrator will be shown in the table to the right. If there are any validation errors, they will be shown below each of the fields. For reference, see ''Figure 13.73''<br/>[[Image:add_admin.JPG|center|650px|Figure 13.7 3 - Add Administrator]]
====Adding a Student User====
To add a student, make sure the "''Student''" radio button is selected. You must enter a first and last name of the student, each may only be a maximum of fifty characters. An email address prefix must also be entered, the email prefix may only be twenty characters long. Each student must also be assoicated with a project, to do this select a project name from the ''Project Name'' drop down list (the project ID is assoicated within this drop down list). Once all of the required fields have been entered, click the "''Add Student''" button, and the new student will be shown in the table to the right. If there are any validation errors, they will be shown below each of the fields. <br/> A group of students may be entered at one time by uploading a Comma Separated Value File (CSV), in the file upload section (see ''Figure 1.8''). <br/>The format of the file should be as follows: '''Last_Name, First_Name, Student_ID, Project_ID''', making sure that each field is separated by a comma. <br/>An example of a record in this file would look like the following:<br/>'''Doe, John, JDoe, bts630_071g01'''<br/>For reference, see ''Figure 13.84''<br/>[[Image:add_admin.JPG|center|650px|Figure 13.8 4 - Add Student]]
====Editing a User's Details====
To edit a user's details, press the "''Edit''" button located to the far right of the user's record. This will load the user's details into the form to the left. The email prefix will be disabled, and you will only be able to edit the enabled fields (first name and last name for an administrator, and first name, last name, and project ID/name for a student). Once you have edited the details, you can submit the changes by clicking the "''Update <User Type>''" button.<br/>'''Note:''' If you would like to change the user's email address, you will have to delete the user, and re-add them. (For deleting instructions please see ''Section'', and for adding instructions please see ''Section or'') For reference, see ''Figure 13.95''.<br/>[[Image:edit_user.JPG|center|650px|Figure 13.9 5 - Edit User Details]]
====Deleting a User====
To delete a user, select the check box to the left of their record in the table. You may select more than one user at a time. Once you have selected all of the users you wish to delete, click the "''Delete <User Type>''" button. You will be promted with a confirmation box, if you wish to continue, please click "''Ok''", if you do not want to continue with the delete, please click "''Cancel''". <br/>'''Note:''' If you are deleting a student, you will also be deleting all associated timesheets and tasks for this student. For reference, see ''Figure 23.06''.<br/>[[Image:delete_user.JPG|center|650px|Figure 23.0 6 - Delete User]]