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OPS335 Short-Term

36 bytes added, 20:28, 14 March 2016
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#Some of the animations in the video showing how a server finds matrix are a little fast (particularly the root server responding with the address of .ca). I've also always meant to add in a final step to that with the client machine connecting directly to matrix. (side note: I can't believe I used to draw that on the board every semester...) - Peter C.<br><br>
#SInce the OPS335 lab logbook does not correspond to part a and part b, I have decided to place an ADDITIONAL check mark when they complete part B of a lab. Just sharing what I am doing in this situation - perhaps this can be looked at for future OPS335 semesters. - Murray S.<br><br>
#Should ask at end of semester if labs 4b,c,d just replace lab4a. If so, is there any room for spreading out web server lab in the future or not?- Murray S.<br><br>#Should create shell scripts to check the work that each student did at the of the labs. - Murray S.<br><br>#Should check to see if the questions at end of each lab are relevant, etc- Murray S.<br><br>