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OPS335 Lab 4c

3 bytes added, 16:08, 11 March 2016
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#Use the '''netstat''' and '''telnet''' commands (like you did in lab 4b) to confirm your service is listening on the correct ports/interfaces. You will probably have to open the appropriate firewall port on '''vm3''' to allow incoming '''SMTP''' connections.
:'''Note:''' You should be able to send email to any regular user <u>on</u> '''vm3''' using the email address '''''' using the Thunderbird application on vm2 machine.
<ol><li value="2">Create a new account on your '''vm3''' machine using only your <u>first</u> name. We will use this account as a one-time "test" if the mail message has been received on your VM3 machine (from your VM2 machine).</li></ol>
 :'''NOTENote:''' It is <u>'''important'''</u> that you '''<u>don't</u>''' create this same account name on your vm2 machine, since you want to easily identify the difference between the sending and receiving SMTP servers. 
We still haven't set up IMAP (for reading email) but we can test that the message is being delivered. Use the new account in Thunderbird to send an email to and then check the contents of /home/firstname/Maildir/new/ on vm3. - there should be a file there with the contents of your email.