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OPS335: File Servers

7 bytes added, 11:49, 2 March 2016
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<ol><li vaLUE="3">Create a new virtual machine (hard drive size: '''20 GB''', accept all other defaults) making certain to specify the location of your downloaded Windows OS iso file.</li><li>Install the Windows OS creating a default user and administrator.</li><li>Upon successful installation, open the command prompt, and note the '''IPADDR''' for that Windows Machine.</li><li>On your Linux host machine, use the same techniques that you learned in INVESTIGATION2 '''INVESTIGATION 2''' to use smbclient and also to '''mount''' the MS Windows files on your '''host''' machine. Were you successful?</li><li>If you were not successful, why do you think was the reason?</li><li>Call over your lab assistant or instructor if you are uable to access your MS Windows files on your Linux host machine.</li></ol>
===Accessing MS Windows Files from a Graphical Application (nautilus) ===