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OPS335 Weekly Schedule

59 bytes added, 08:45, 29 January 2016
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<td width="20%" style="border-bottom: thin solid black;">'''Week 5:'''<br>8-14 Feb</td>
<td style="border-bottom: thin solid black;">'''DNS:'''<ul><li>nslookup, dig, host, DNS Concepts<ul><li>/etc/resolv.conf, </li><li>/etc/hosts, </li><li>/etc/named.conf</li></ul></li><li>Tools: nslookup, dig, host</li></ul></td>
<td style="border-bottom: thin solid black;">'''Lecture Notes:'''<ul><li>Slides: [ Web] [ PDF]</li></ul>'''Online Resources:'''<ul><li>[[BIND&DNS Notes|BIND and DNS notes]]</li><li>Chapter 17 - DNS: The Domain Name System</li><li>DNS Setup</li></ul></td>
<td style="border-bottom: thin solid black;font-weight:bold;">[ Lab 3: DNS]</td>