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OPS335 Lab 2

44 bytes added, 11:22, 26 January 2016
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# Overwrite the defaults with the current state of the firewall:<source lang='bash'>/usr/libexec/iptables/iptables.init save</source>
# Store the above commands into a shell script called: '''myicmp_restore.bash'''<br><br>
# Since the same iptables rules (i.e. above steps ) for your ''vm1 '' also apply for your ''vm2'', ''vm3'', and other vms, it would make sense to use your shell script you created to set your iptables rules for vm1 for these other vms.
# Copy your '''myicmp_restore.bash''' script to both of your '''vm2''' and '''vm3''' machines, set execute permisisons, and then run the shell script in order to setup the same firewall rules.
# Make certain to save your firewall rules for both '''vm2''' and '''vm3'''.<br><br>'''NOTE:''' We have now demonstrated how a simple shell script has saved you time when setting up firewall rules for other vms.