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MAP524/DPS924 Assignment2 - 2015-03

29 bytes removed, 01:24, 13 November 2015
== Submit ==
Submit the following 2 files in a .tar.gz or zip file named yourusername_asg2.tar.gz/.zipin the same private repository as the one you used for assignment 1:
|- yourusername_your_app.apk</pre>
Add In the Blackboard submission add a note to the submission about where on GitHub in your private repository I can find the code for your assignment (just as you've done for Assignment 1).
Test this before you submit it. I should be able to install your app from the apk file, clone and build your app from your sources, and read your document.
To submit: upload your zip file to Blackboard under Assignment2 before the deadline.
== Plagiarism ==
Remember this assignment is individual work. You may use resources online but they have to be referenced appropriately. Be very careful asking your peers for help, I don't want to see identical code submitted by different students.