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OPS535 Network Address

330 bytes removed, 00:33, 4 January 2021
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{{Admon/important|Look Your most up-to-date assigned network number can be found in Blackboard.|This page will be updated regularly.}} Network Address assignment for students taking OPS535 in 2021 Winter Semester.Please assign network address 192.168.[x].0/24 to your private virtual network "opsnet", where [x] is your Name here!|If you couldn't assigned network number. You can find your name here, please email your professor with the subject line assigned network number in Blackboard under "Request for Network Address AllocationMy Grade"section.}}
Network Address assignment for students taking OPS535 in 2015 Fall Semester.
Please assign network address 192.168.[x].0/24 to your private virtual network "opsnet", where [x] is the number in front of your name:
* 1 Abbasi Babak (baabbasi)
* 2 Ahmed Zaid (zahmed41)
* 3 Da Silva Rui (rmdasilva)
* 4 Evola Daniel (devola)
* 5 Haque Mohammed (mmhaque4)
* 6 Kotsovos Steven JosEph (sjkotsovos)
* 7 Panussyants Ruben (pruben)
* 8 Sullivan Claire (cdsullivan)
* 9 Terry John (jterry2)
* 10 Watt Ian (iwatt)
* 11 Yip Colin (ckyip)
* 12 Abbas Mahad (mabbas7)
* 13 Baray Samim (sbaray)
* 14 Mootoo Andrew (amootoo)
* 99 Prof. Raymond Chan
On your host machine, you should also assign a static IP address of 172.16.[x].1 to the alias of the network interface which is connected to the lab network.
Go to [[Domainreg|here]] to register your Your assigned domain namecan also be found in Blackboard under "My Grade" section.
Go to [[Startup_script_with_systemd|here]] for setting up systemd to execute a startup script