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Lab 8 Warnings / Debrief

2 bytes removed, 09:03, 29 July 2015
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== Setting Up the -up a DHCP Sever (dhcpd) ==
[[Image:dhcp-config.png|thumb|right|500px|The '''dhcpd.config''' file allows the Linux system administrator to customize the DCHP server. Generally in this file are '''global settings''' (options that apply throughout entire network) and '''subnet declarations''' (options that apply only to that subnet). Whenever changes are made to this file, the '''DCHP service needs to be restarted''' to allow new settings to take effect.<br><br>'''NOTE: Any errors in this file (such as typos or missing semi-colons) can cause the DHCP server not to restart!''' ]]
<u>'''Obtaining dhcp Package'''</u>