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Lab 5 Warnings / Debrief

3 bytes added, 08:39, 8 July 2015
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LVM allows more flexibility and growth potential for Linux systems (for example, having Logical volumes span multiple hard disks). CentOS uses LVM by default upon installation. Other Linux distributions may provide the capacity to install LVM,
'''LVM Tools'''
[[Image:lvm1.png|thumb|300px|right|The '''system-config-lvm''' application allows the Linux system administrator to manage LVMs Graphically. Your LVM information for '''centos2''' VM should be similarly displayed.]]
* There are a choice for managing LVM: Graphically or via Command-Line.
* A graphic program is called: '''system-config-lvm'''. This graphical application is useful, but may be deprecated (i.e. "being phased out").
* There are various commands to manage LVM (some include):
* There are also commands to obtain LVM information:
== Any Simple Comparisons for LVM !?! ==
'''LVM Tools'''
[[Image:lvm1.png|thumb|300px|right|The '''system-config-lvm''' application allows the Linux system administrator to manage LVMs Graphically. Your LVM information for '''centos2''' VM should be similarly displayed.]]
* There are a choice for managing LVM: Graphically or via Command-Line.
* A graphic program is called: '''system-config-lvm'''. This graphical application is useful, but may be deprecated (i.e. "being phased out").
* There are various commands to manage LVM (some include):
* There are also commands to obtain LVM information: