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OPS235 Lab 5 - CentOS7

109 bytes added, 07:54, 2 May 2015
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<li>Create a '''new 3G LV''' (LV Properties: linear) containing an '''ext4''' filesystem named: '''lv_archive''' and mount it at: '''/archive'''
<li>Backup <code>Let's see what happens when we copy data over to '''/etclv_archive'''</code> into <code>, and then '''/archivereduce the size of lv_archive'''. Complete the following steps below: </codeol type="a"> </li>Issue the following command:<b></olcode><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">cp -R /etc/* Copy the files in /etc into the filesystem mounted at archive <code/span>/archive</code><br /b>(use the graphical tools or the command line. If using cp, remember to use the -R option).<ol/li> <li value="6">Shrink the size of <code>'''lv_archive</code> ''' to '''1 GB'''.What happens?</li> <li>Try shrinking If you could not shrink the home file-system. What happens? Whysize of '''lv_archive''', what do you think is the cause for the problem?</li>  </ol></li>
'''Answer Part 1 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''