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OPS235 Lab 4 - CentOS7

181 bytes added, 12:36, 25 April 2015
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= Preparing for the Quizzes =
# Describe all of the field in <code>'''/etc/passwd'''</code>
# What is the command to create a user? What option to create a home directory for that user?
# What is the command to change the full name of an already-created user?
# What is the command to delete a user account? What option allows for the user's home directory to be removed as well?
# What is the command to create a group? What is the command (or steps) to include a user in a newly-created group?
# What is the purpose of <code>'''/etc/fstab'''</code>?
# What is the purpose of <code>'''/etc/shadow'''</code>?
# What is the purpose of <code>'''/etc/skel'''</code>?
[[Category:OPS235 Labs]]