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Project Weekly Logs

168 bytes added, 15:24, 6 March 2019
4. Norbert Curiciac
===2. Joshua Byer===
====Week 13 (April 16)====
* Last week I Completed the final report and did a presentation demo.
* We all out of time.
* I wasn't able to fix that bug, I tried.
====Week 12 (April 6)====
* Last week I made sure that the app worked well on a tablet in both landscape and portrait modes
* Being delayed due to the amount of midterms and assignments lately
===4. Vasil Rimar - Norbert Curiciac===
====Week 13 (April 11)====
====Week 11 (March 28)====
In this week we completed 80% of our project.
* Successfully completed the local database and UI development .
* Research a new memory efficient method, recommended by Google, to pull the web service data and store it on the local device.
* He used GSON, Voley and SugerORM to pull data , and store it locally on the device.
====Week 10 (March 21)====
* He is working on the final database and UI design and development
* Loading Web Api data to database
* Created a temporary TreeMap object which stores Web Api data
* Finish functionality and testing for food intake/calories section and start the goal setting functions.
* Assignments.
====Week 13 (April 15)====
* Finished design for all pages, got the database working and try to get information from it.
* Continue to try to get the information from database to display and complete the rest of the goals section.
* Study for exams.
===14. Krishanthan Lingeswaran===
* Worked on labs instead
====Week 13 (April 10)====
* Implemented: CRUD Static languages
* To do before next scrum meeting: CRUD category, select native language
* On track.
====Week 14 (April 16)====
* Implemented: select native language, dynamic fragment orientation/portrait views
* To do before next scrum meeting: nothing
* Complete
===16. Tai & Yong===