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DPS924 Projects Winter 2015

3,678 bytes removed, 16:19, 15 April 2015
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== [[Project Milestones (Winter 2015) ]] ==
== Design Requirements ==
*'''Create detailed system diagrams.'''
** UI mockups (created by Pencil or a similar tool) []
** interaction between back-end components and the UI screens
** the flow of data between the UI screens and data stores such as database and Android file system
** the flow of data between the UI screens and Web API servers (URLs) or other devices, if applicable
*'''Apply Android Design Patterns or Material Design Guidelines.'''
**'''Note:''' If your project is UI-intensive, you are expected to apply Android design patterns or Material Design Guidelines as much as possible. If your project is data-intensive (e.g. use of database and graphics) or back-end intensive (e.g. use of networking and Wifi connectivity), you may apply Android design patterns or Material Design guidelines at the minimum.
** '''Android Design Patterns: Interaction Design Solutions for Developers''' by Greg Nudelman. Wiley, 2013. (Available as ebook at Seneca Libraries.)
** '''Android User Interface Design: Turning Ideas and Sketches into Beautifully Designed Apps''' by Ian G. Clifton. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2013. (Available as ebook at Seneca Libraries.)
** '''Smashing Android UI: Responsive User Interfaces and Design Patterns for Android Phones and Tablets''' by Juhani Lehtimäki. Wiley, 2013. (Available as ebook at Seneca Libraries.)
** '''Material Design Guidelines (Android 5.0, API Level 21).'''
*** Material Design (Android Developer website) []
*** Google Design Guidelines - Material Design []
*** Creating Apps with Material Design
**** Android Developer website []
****Implementing Material Design in Your Android app (24 October 2014) []
*** Examples
**** Develop android weather app with Material Design (November 3, 2014) []
**** Google Play Books for Android gets Material Design, skimming and browsing features (October 31, 2014) []
*** Android 5.0 Lollipop Material Design in pictures and video (October 17, 2014) []
*** UI Regions and Guidance []
*** Visual Guide to Android L Material Design - 7 Insights []
*'''Create the Testing Environment.'''
** Android versions (API levels)
*** dashboards (Android Developer website) []
** configurations of emulators and/or Android devices
** screen orientations (portrait and landscape)
* Compatibility Issues (optional) [] [] []
* '''Organize the Design Report.'''
** title page (like the one used in the project proposal)
** list of features (with priorities assigned, 1-highest, 10-lowest)
** timeline (organized by the list of features and sprints)
** system diagrams (including URLs of Web API servers, if applicable)
** design principles
** testing environment