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OPS235 Lab 3 - CentOS7

44 bytes removed, 07:22, 6 April 2015
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#What is the purpose of booting into single-user mode?
#List steps in order to boot into single-user mode
#What is the advantage of disabling services such as bluetooth?
#What is the difference between a .tgz file and a .tar.gz file? What do these stand for?
#What is the purpose of a repository?
#What is source code?
#How do you build software from source code?
#Which is preferred: installing from an RPM file, or installing from source code? Why?# What does yum do that rpm does not?# List the steps to install a package via rpm command.# List the steps to determine detailed information regarding an install packagevia rpm and yum commands.# List the steps to remove a package via rpm command.# List the steps to install a package using the yum command.# List the steps to remove a package using the yum command.
[[Category:OPS235]][[Category:OPS235 Labs]]