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OPS235 Weekly Schedule

3,252 bytes removed, 12:27, 6 May 2020
Updates schedule to Summer 2020 schedule. (12-week version)
= Winter 2015 Summer 2020 =This schedule is a considered to be a general guideline for week-by-week content. Due dates may vary per instructor.
{| class="wikitable"!style="width: 10%"|Week!style="width: 30%"|Objectives and Tasks!References!style="width: 30%"|Labs|- style="vertical-align:top;"|'''InstructorsWeek 1:'''<br>May 18-24|'''Create a CentOS Linux VM in VMware:'''*Murray Saul Install CentOS (Full Install) in VMware Workstation application (sections A, B, &amp; Ccreate customized partitions)*Hans Heim (sections E, F, &amp; G)Shell Scripting*Obtain System Information'''Post-Installation Tasks:'''*Post-Install Commands*Bash Shell Scripting Essentials*Using a Bash Shell Script to Create a Post Installation Report|'''Lecture Notes:'''*Welcome to OPS235!: [ web] [ pdf]*Installing Linux: [ web] [ pdf]*Elizabeth Kopiec Bash Shell Scripting (section D part 1): [ web] [ pdf]
'''Setup Tutorial:'''
*[[OPS335 Install Flash|Install Flash]] (to view web notes in CentOS 7)
'''Scripting Practice:'''
*[[OPS235_Scripting_Exercises | OPS235 Scripting Exercises]]
|[[OPS235 Lab 1|Lab 1: Installing CentOS 7 with VMWare Workstation]]
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%" style="border-top: thin solid black;">
<tr valign="top>
<td width="20%" style="border-bottom: thin solid black;font-weight:bold;">Week</td>
<td style="border-bottom: thin solid black;font-weight:bold;">Objectives and Tasks</td>
<td style="border-bottom: thin solid black;font-weight:bold;">Reference</td>
<td style="border-bottom: thin solid black;font-weight:bold;">Labs</td>
<tr valign="top">
<td width="20%" style="border-bottom: thin solid black;">'''Week 1:'''<br>12 - 18 January<br />(No class Monday January 12th)</td>
<td style="border-bottom: thin solid black;">'''CentOS Installation (on Main Host):'''<ul><li>Manually Creating Partitions</li><li>Installing CentOS</li><li>Introduction to RPM</li><li>Introduction to Networking Commands</li></ul></td>
<td style="border-bottom: thin solid black;">'''Lecture Notes:'''<ul><li>Course Introduction</li><li>Lab 1 Preparation / Debrief</li></ul></td>
<td style="border-bottom: thin solid black;font-weight:bold;">[ Lab 1]</td>
<tr valign="top">
<td width="20%" style="border-bottom: thin solid black;">'''Week 2:'''<br>19 - 25 January</td>
<td style="border-bottom: thin solid black;">'''Creating &amp; Using Virtual Machines'''<ul><li>Installing and Using Virtualization Software</li><li>Installing Guest VMs</li></ul></td>
<td style="border-bottom: thin solid black;">'''Lecture Notes:'''<ul><li>Virtual Machines</li><li>Lab 2 Preparation / Debrief</li><li>[ RedHat Virtualization Guide]</li></ul></td>
<td style="border-bottom: thin solid black;font-weight:bold;">[ Lab 2]</td>
<tr valign="top">
<td width="20%" style="border-bottom: thin solid black;">'''Week 3:'''<br>26 January - 1 February</td>
<td style="border-bottom: thin solid black;">'''Troubleshooting, Archiving, Package Management'''<ul><li>Common Troubleshooting Examples</li><li>Archiving Files</li><li>Package Management</ul></td>
<td style="border-bottom: thin solid black;">'''Lecture Notes:'''<ul><li>The Art of Troubleshooting</li><li>Archiving Files</li><li>Package Management</li><li>Lab 3 Preparation / Debrief</li><li>[ Using the YUM Utility]</li></ul></td>
<td style="border-bottom: thin solid black;font-weight:bold;">[ Lab 3]</td>
<br>'''If working from home, use VMware Workstation (Windows/Linux) or VMware Fusion (macOS).'''
<br><br>'''Do not use any other virtualization software!'''
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
|'''Week 2:'''<br>May 25-31
|'''Creating & Using Virtual Machines'''
*Installing and Using Virtualization Software
*Installing Guest VMs
|'''Lecture Notes:'''
*Installing Virtual Machines: [ web] [ pdf]
|[[OPS235 Lab 2|Lab 2: Creating and Using Virtual Machines]]
      {|width- style="100%" border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="7vertical-align:top;"|:'''Week'''|3:'''Objectives and Tasks'''|:'''Slides / Reference'''|'''Labs''' |-|  | <!-- Assignment br>June 1 Released -->|  |-7|:'''Week 3'''   |:'''LVM Creating &amp; ''':* | :'''Slides:'''::*Package Management:::: [ [http:Using Virtual Machines // odp] ] [ [ pdf] ] [ [ ppt] ] :'''ReferenceContinued:''':* [ Using the RPM Utility]Manipulating Virtual Machines:* [ Using the YUM Utility]|[ Lab 3]|Backing-up Virtual Machines|:'''Week 4'''2 - 8 February |:'''LVM &amp; Software Package Management (continued)''':* Logical Volume ManagementManipulating Virtual Machines with Shell Scripts:'''SlidesLecture Notes:'''::*Introduction to LVM:::Managing Virtual Machines: [ [httphttps://matrixprezi.senecac.on.cacom/~murray.saulfntt_lk0gg7v/ops235managing-virtual-machines/ops235w4_l1.odp odp] web] [ [http pdf] ] [ [ ppt] :'''Reference:''':* [[Logical Volume Management]] '''Bash Shell Scripting (Recommended Readingpart2)''':* [http LVM HOWTO] bash- Read chapters 1 shell- 3||scripting-|:'''Week 5'''9 part- 15 February<br 2/>   |:'''Working with Partitions / User &amp; Group Management''':* Creating / Managing Virtual Partitions:* Mounting / Unmounting File Systems:* Automatically Mount File Systems Upon Boot-up:* User and Group Management| :'''Slides:''' ::*User Account Management:::: [ web] [http odp] ] [ [ pdf] ] [ [ ppt] ] :'''Reference:''':* [ Linux File Systems (ext2/ext3/ext4)]:* [ Partitioning with fdisk]:* [ Mounting / Unmounting File-systems]:* [ UID and GID explained] :'''Assignment 1:''':* [[OPS235_Assignment_1]]|[ Lab 4]|-|:'''Week 6'''16 - 22 February(Holiday Monday: No Classes)|:'''Complete first half of course:''':* Catch-up on Labs:* Work on assignment #1 (Due week #7 in class):* Review for Practical Test #1 and Written Test|   ||-|:'''Week 7'''23 February - 1 March|:'''Evaluation''':* '''Practical Test 1''' (covering weeks 1-4):* '''Written Test 1''' (covering weeks 1-4):* '''Assignment 1 Due (in class)'''|||-!colspan="4"|Study Week2 - 8 March|-|:'''Week 8''' 9 - 15 March  
:'''Archiving Files, Compiling Software<br />Packages from Source, Managing Services'''
:* Using Archive Files (tar, tar.gz, tgz)
:* Compiling Software from Source Code
:* Controlling System Services
|- style="vertical-align:top;"|'''Week 4:'''<br>June 7-14|'''Troubleshooting, Archiving, Package Management:'''*Common Troubleshooting Examples*Archiving Files*Package Management|'''Lecture Notes:'''*Troubleshooting, Archiving, Package Management: [ web] [ pdf]*Bash Shell Scripting (part 3): [ web] [ pdf]|[[OPS235 Lab 3|Lab 3: Troubleshooting, Archiving, and Packages]]
|- style="vertical-align:top;"|'''Week 5:'''<br>June 15-21|'''Managing Users, Groups & Services:'''*Linux Filesystems User Management*Group Management*Service Status*Starting / Working with PartitionsStopping Services|'''Lecture Notes:'''::*Managing Users, Groups & Services: [ [httphttps://matrixprezi.senecac.on.cacom/~murray.sauldx3qeitmuuif/ops235managing-user-accounts-services/ops235w6_l1aa.odp odp] web] [ [http pdf] *Bash Shell Scripting (part 4): [ web] [ [http ppt] pdf pdf]|[[OPS235 Lab 4|Lab 4::* Archiving &amp; Compiling Software / Managing Run Levels Users, Groups and Services &amp; Run Levels::: [ ] [ ] [ ]
* [ archiving with tar, gzip, gunzip]
* [[init vs systemd]]
* [ init vs systemd vs upstart]
* [ Runlevels]
[http|- style="vertical-align:// Lab 5]top;"|'''Week 6:'''<br>June 22-28|'''Evaluation:'''*Labs 1 - 4*Assignment 1*Written Midterm Test
:'''Week 9'''
16 - 22 March
<!-- * Assignment 1 Evaluation -->
:'''Configuring a Network Using Virtual Machines'''
:* Static Network Configuration
:* Network Configuration with a DHCP client
:* Basic TCP/IP network commands: ping, ifconfig, netstat
|- style="vertical-align:top;"!colspan="4" style="text-align:left;"| '''SlidesStudy Week: '''::*Configuring Networks in VMs - Part1:::: [ [ odp] ] [ [ pdf] ] [ [ ppt] ]::*Configuring Networks in VMs <br>June 29- Part2:::: [ [ odp] ] [ [ pdf] ] [ [ ppt] ]July 5
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
|'''Week 7:'''<br>July 6-12
|'''Monitoring Disk Space, Intro to LVM'''
*Monitoring Hard Disk Space
*LVM - Definition
*Using LVM
*Creating Shell Scripts to Flag Low Disk Space
|'''Lecture Notes:'''
*Monitoring Disk Space, <code>crontab</code>, <code>awk</code> command: [ web] [ pdf]
|[[OPS235 Lab 5|Lab 5: Monitoring Disk Space - Investigation 1]]
:Networking with Virtual Machines (Introduction)
:* [ Virtual Network - Definition]
:* [ Important Linux Networking Commands] (Also refer to lab 6 notes)
:* [ Linux Network Configuration]
:* [[IPTables]] Reference
:* Lab6 Notes: [ IPTABLES Firewall]
|- style="vertical-align:top;"|'''Week 8:'''<br>July 13-19|'''Using LVM'''*Using Logical Volume Manager (LVM)*Creating Shell Scripts to Flag Low Disk Space|'''Lecture Notes:'''*Introduction to LVM: [ web] [ pdf]*Demonstration of Growing ''/home'' partition using LVM: [ YouTube]|[[OPS235 Lab 5#INVESTIGATION 2: MANAGING HARD DISK SPACE USING LVM|Lab 5: Using LVM - Investigation 2]]
[ Lab 6]
:'''Week 10'''
23 - 29 March
:'''Setup and Configure Secure Shell Services,<br />Using Virtual Machines'''
:* Network Services
:* SSH|
|- style="vertical-align:top;"|'''SlidesWeek 9: '''<br>July 20-26|'''Configuring a Network Using Virtual Machines'''*Static Network Configuration::*Network Services Configuration with a DHCP client*Basic TCP/ SSHIP network commands:<code>ping</code>, <code>ifconfig</code>, <code>netstat</code>|'''Lecture Notes:'''*Creating a Virtual Network:: [ [httphttps://matrix.senecac.onprezi.cacom/~murray.saulkwgvo8g5eraj/ops235creating-a-virtual-private-network-vpn/ops235w10.odp odp] web] [ [http pdf] *Bash Shell Scripting (part 6): [ web] [ [http pptpdf pdf]|[[OPS235 Lab 6|Lab 6: Virtual Networks] ]
:* Network services/ssh
:* [ SSH Tutorial]
:* [ How to Make SSH More Secure]
:* [[IPTables]]
:* Interest Topic: [ Linux Security Tips] (See Areas involving Networking)
[ Lab 7]|-style="vertical-align:top;"|:'''Week 1110:'''30 March - 5 April<br />(Holiday on Friday July 27- No classes)Aug 2|:'''Setting Up, Using &amp; Maintaining a DHCP ServerSetup and Configure Secure Shell Services''':* DHCP ServerNetwork Services*SSH:|'''Assignment 2 releasedLecture Notes:'''*Securing Network via SSH: [ web] [ pdf]* Work on assignment #2 Configuring Firewalls (Due week #13 in classiptables):* Review for Practical Test[ web] [ pdf]|[[OPS235 Lab 7|Lab 7: Setup and Configure SSH]]
::*Install &amp; Configure DHCP Server:
::: [ [ odp] ] [ [ pdf] ] [ [ ppt] ]
|- style="vertical-align:top;"|'''ReferenceWeek 11:'''<br>Aug 3-9|'''Setting Up, Using & Maintaining a DHCP Server'''*DHCP Server|'''Lecture Notes:'''* Setting up a DHCP Server Definition:<br />[httphttps://enprezi.wikipedia.orgcom/zkpwa8y_6ovt/wikisetting-up-dhcp/Dynamic_Host_Configuration_Protocol httpweb] [https://enict.wikipediasenecacollege.orgca/wiki~ops235/Dynamic_Host_Configuration_Protocolslides/ops235_w12.pdf pdf]:*|[[OPS235_Assignment_2OPS235 Lab 8|Lab 8: Setup and Configure a DHCP Server]]
[ Lab 8]
:'''Week 12'''
6 - 12 April
|- style="vertical-align:top;"|'''EvaluationWeek 12:'''<br>Aug 10-14:* |'''Practical Test 2Evaluation:''':* Work on assignment #Labs 5 - 8*Assignment 2 (Due week #13 in class)*Final Exam
:'''Week 13'''
13 - 19 April
:* '''Assignment #2 Due (in class)'''
:* Review for Exam
!colspan="4"|Exam Week (20 - 24 April )
[[OPS235 Resources]]