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OPS235 Lab 1 - CentOS7

252 bytes removed, 06:08, 28 March 2015
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Navigate through your Graphical CentOS system, '''locate and run a terminal program (in order to issue Linux commands). Issue and record the commands used and the output generated in each of the following steps:'''
#Issue the following Linux command: <b><code><span style=" pointer-events:none;cursor:default;color:#3366CC;"login root</span></code></b>
#Issue a Linux command (learned in ULI101) to confirm the type of account you are currently using. What is the purpose of this account?
#Exit your current account. Which account are you now using?
#Refer to the Information box regarding how to access the admin account from the command line.
#Issue the command <b><code><span style=" pointer-events:none;cursor:default;color:#3366CC;"su</span></code></b>. Issue the '''pwd''' and '''whoami''' commands to confirm your directory pathname. When finished logout of this account.#Issue the command <b><code><span style=" pointer-events:none;cursor:default;color:#3366CC;"su -</span></code></b>. Issue the '''pwd''' and '''whoami''' commands to confirm your directory pathname. Remain in this account for the remainder of this lab.
# An installation log file called <code>'''/var/log/anaconda/anaconda.packaging.log'''</code> has been created to record the installation of your c7host machine. This file is an ASCII file which can be viewed with the <code>'''more'''</code> command.
# You can make use of this file to determine how many packages have been installed: complete the following command to count the number of packages that are labelled "Installing" in the installation log file:
:: <b><code><span style=" pointer-events:none;cursor:default;color:#3366CC;">grep ________________ ________________ | wc -l'''</span></code></b>
<li value="3">Using the <code>rpm</code> command: you can also use the following commands to list all the installed packages, and the total number of packages installed:</li>
::<b><code><span style=" pointer-events:none;cursor:default;color:#3366CC;">rpm -q -a'''</span></code></b>::<b><code><span style=" pointer-events:none;cursor:default;color:#3366CC;">rpm -q -a | wc -l'''</span></code></b>::<b><code><span style=" pointer-events:none;cursor:default;color:#3366CC;">rpm -qa | wc -l'''</span></code></b>
<li value="4">The <code>'''-q'''</code> option means query, and the <code>'''-a'''</code> option means all (in other words, query all installed software packages). Did you get the same number of packages from the above two methods?</li>