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OPS235 Lab 2 - CentOS7

332 bytes added, 09:00, 27 March 2015
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:** Centos Live DVDInstallation
:** Network Installation without configuration file
:** Network Installation with configuration file (Kickstart)<br><br>:* Understand the '''advantages and disadvantages of each type of installation''', and be able to '''select the best installation method''' for a particular situation.:* '''Manipulate virtual machines by CLI''' (virsh):* '''Properly backup VMs and VM configuration''' in virtual manager application onto home directory and to external source (USB Key):* Observe how '''Bash Shell Scripting''' can be used to automate routine tasks involving VM management == What is a Virtual Machine?==
A '''virtual machine''' is a software simulation of a computer which can be used as though it were actual hardware. It's possible to run multiple virtual machines on one computer, reducing hardware requirements and introducing flexibility. Some common uses of virtualization include: