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OPS335 Lab 1

76 bytes added, 13:30, 9 January 2015
Clarifying steps for passwordless ssh
*When you run that command you generate both halves of a paired-key encryption scheme. In order to be able to log in to another machine without a password, each machine needs one half. You keep the private key (in this case id_rsa), and you give the public key ( to the machine you want to log in to.
*Have your partner email you their public key.
**Copy it the contents into /home/<partner's user>/.ssh/authorized_keys on your host machine.***You may have to create that file if it does not already exist.
*Have your partner attempt to ssh from their host to yours.
**If they are prompted for a password, you have done something wrong. Make sure the path is correct, and that no one other than that user has write permission to their .ssh directory or the authorized_keys file (If anyone does, even that user's group, the ssh service will not consult that file).