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CDOT Job Opportunities

2,049 bytes added, 16:18, 20 November 2014
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All CDOT employees must be eligible to work in Canada and must have a Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN).
== What to Include in an Application to Work at CDOT ==
In addition to information normally included in a resume and cover sheet (education, experience, contact information, which job you are applying for, and so forth), we suggest that you include the following information:
* If you are a student:
** Which program you are enrolled in;
** Which semester you are in within that program;
** Whether you will be graduating from the program before you start work at CDOT, or continuing as a student. This information is important to determine which hiring categories may apply to you;
** Which courses you have taken that deal with open source code and technologies; and
** Which courses you have taken that are related to the position for which you are applying.
* If you are applying for a co-op position:
** How many semesters of co-op you could work (1, 2, or 3)
* If you are applying for part-time work:
** Your availability, if known; and
** Your course workload (number of courses you will be taking while working at CDOT)
* Projects that you have done:
** In courses, that you have particularly enjoyed and are proud of; and
** Outside school, whether for your own personal interest, learning, as part of a job, or as a freelancer or consultant.
* Your knowledge of and interest in technologies:
** Rank your knowledge of all of the languages and technologies you know. Be realistic. You could say something like "Elementary skills in python (short scripts); moderate skills in JavaScript (including experience with JQuery and FooLib); and advanced skills in C++, including debugging with gdb, profiling with gprof and operf, and optimization" or "Very experienced with Apache configuration and tuning; very experienced using Git/GitHub (see my repo at; elementary experience with Node.JS".
** Which technologies you enjoy using the most, and the types of problems you enjoy solving.
** What you would most like to learn while at CDOT - the technologies you want to use and the types of problems you'd like to solve.
== Job Opportunities ==