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Real World Mozilla First XPCOM Component

8 bytes added, 20:46, 27 February 2007
srcdir = @srcdir@
VPATH = @srcdir@
include $(DEPTH)/config/
MODULE = firstxpcom
DIRS = public \
src \
XPI_NAME = firstxpcom
# A Unique ID for your extension
# Will create a .xpi in /mozilla/$(MOZ_OBJDIR)/dist/xpi-stage/
XPI_PKGNAME = firstxpcom
# install.rdf will tell Firefox how to install our extension and
# this says, "copy install.rdf into our extension dir and xpi"
DIST_FILES = install.rdf
include $(topsrcdir)/config/
XPI_NAME = firstxpcom
# The REQUIRES section tells make which modules your
# components uses. This causes the relevant subdirectories