→Tester: Added tester download
= Tester =
Please use [https://scs.senecac.on.ca/~hasan.kamal-al-deen/public_resources/oop344/a2testing_mar092014.zip this updated tester package] for testing. It includes an updated a2tester.cpp, cdialog.h, cdialog.cpp. There are 4 testing levels. You can change which level you are testing at by changing the '''TEST_NO''' #define at the top of a2test.cpp. It may be any one of 0,1,2,3,4.
The tests do not make it clear when your output is "correct" so please refer to this page and the assignment spec when determining that your output is correct.
== Test 0: A1 Test ==
This test is a direct copy of the A1 tester. It is here to ensure that your display/edit functions work at a minimal level. While your A1 code will not affect your A2 mark, it will be more difficult for you to finish A2 if your A1 is in bad shape so this tester is present as a convenience to help you sort through that.