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OPS235 Lab 2 - CentOS6

106 bytes removed, 15:18, 31 December 2013
Investigation 6: How do I backup a virtual machine?
== Investigation 6: How do I backup a virtual machine? ==
{{Admon/important|Backing up VMs|There are two general processes in order to back up your images:<ol><li>'''Compressing your images''' (also recommended to backup up to external storage USB Key) using the '''gzip''' command.</li><li>'''Backup the VM xlm xml configuration file''' (preferably to USB key) using '''virsh''' shell command to add VM to virtual machine manager list (in the event that the HOST machine is "wiped" and re-installed, but VM images and xml configuration files have been backed up external storage).</li></ol><br />Taking the time to backup the image of the Operating System's file system allows the user to return to a '''"restoration point"''' using the '''gunzip''' command in case something bad occurs to the OS during a lab.<br />Failure to take the time to make and confirm backups can result in loss of lab work for the student!|}}
# Shut down all of the virtual machines.
# Change to the directory <code>/var/lib/libvirt/images/</code>. Note the size of the files in this directory. What do these files contain?
# Make a compressed backup of the <code>fedora3centos3.img</code> file to your home directory with this command: <code>'''gzip < fedora3centos3.img > ~YourUserId/fedora3centos3.img.backup.gz'''</code><br />('''Note: Make certain to use the redirection signs "<" and ">" properly in the command!'''){{Admon/caution| Make sure the backup is successful!|If there are any error messages, '''DO NOT''' proceed past this point. You're going to destroy your fedora3 centos3 virtual machine and restore it using the backup you have created -- if there are any problems with the backup, you will not have a working virtual machine, and will have to re-install it.}}
<li value="4">Compare the size of the compressed and original files.</li>
<li>Start the '''''fedora3centos3''''' VM.</li> <li>'''Make certain that you are in your fedora VM and <u>not</u> in your Fedora main system!'''</li> <li>Wreck <u>only</u> your fedora 3 centos3 system! Try this command inside the fedora3 centos3 virtual machine: <code>'''rm -rf /*'''</code></li> <li>Shut down the VM. If you tried to start the Fedora3 centos3 VM, it would not boot since all system files have been removed!</li> <li>Restore the original image from the backup in your home directory by typing this command: <code>'''gunzip < ~YourUserId/fedora3centos3.img.backup.gz > fedora3centos3.img'''</code></li>
<li>Restart the VM. Is it working normally?</li>
<li>Create compressed backups of your other virtual machines.</li>
<li value="12">You should make a copy of the xml configuration file in case you "wipe" and re-install the host machine, and want to add a restored VM backups to the virtual machine manager list. We will demonstrate using the fedora 3 centos3 xml configuration file, and prove that a "clone" can be added to your list.Please perform the following step:<ol type="a"><li>Verify that you are in the directory: <code>/var/lib/libvirt/images/</code>.</li> <li>Execute the following command: <code>virsh dumpxml fedora3 centos3 >fedora3centos3.xml</code></li> <li>Examine the file <code>fedora3centos3.xml</code>. What does it contain? What format is it in?</li> <li>Make a copy of <code>fedora3centos3.xml</code> called <code>fedora3acentos3a.xml</code>.</li> <li>Edit the file <code>fedora3acentos3a.xml</code>, making the following changes:</li>
::* Change the name (in the file, not the file name) to <code>fedora3acentos3a</code>
::* Change at least one of the hexadecimal characters in the UUID. Do not change the length of the UUID. Valid hexadecimal characters are 0-9 and a-f.
<ol type="a" >
<li value="6">Issue this command: <code>virsh define fedora3acentos3a.xml</code>
<li>Issue the command <code>virsh list --all</code> and record any changes.
<li>Issue the command: <code>virsh undefine fedora3acentos3a</code>
<li>List all of the virtual machines again, and note any changes. </li></ol>
<li>For the remainder of these labs, it is assumed that you will backup <u>'''both'''</u> the images and xml configuration files for <u>'''all'''</u> Virtual machines, when asked to backup your virtual machines. It is also highly recommended to backup these files to an external storage device (eg. USB key) in case the host machine gets "wiped" and you need to rebuild your HOST machine and then restore your Virtual Machines...</li>