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133 bytes added, 14:51, 30 December 2013
Added warning about changes for upcoming semester.
{{Admon/important|Course Updates|This course is currently being updated in preparation for the Winter 2014 semester. Content may change significantly.}}
{| style="float: right; margin: 0 0 3em 2em; border: 1px solid black;"
#* - Centos mirror list accessible from any Internet connection. Make sure you download CentOS-6.5-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso. Labs may not work with other versions.
# '''SATA Hard disk in removable drive tray''' (at least 160GB). Please buy the tray from ACS or the bookstore as not all trays are compatible.
# '''USB flash drive''' (2GB 8GB or larger recommended). Warning: anything on this flash drive will be erased!
#'''Text''' - Linux Administration Handbook, 4th Edition by Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder and Trent R. Hein, ISBN 0-13-148005-7, Published by Prentice Hall
#'''[[ media:OPS335-Fall2013-logbook.pdf | Lab log book]]''' - Download and print the lab log book.
* 10 labs (with accompanying lab quizzes) (10%)
* One midterm test (30%)
* Two assignments (20%)