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Curriculum Meeting December 3 2015
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= Curriculum Development (2012, 2013, 2014) =The principal objectives of this year2012's development arewere* to align the programming stream courses with the C11 and C++11 standards* to address the success rate of first semester students in the CPA program* to move towards alignment with Java coursesThe principal objectives of 2013's development were
* to complete the alignment of the programming stream courses with the C11 and C++11 standards
* to address the wide variation amongst faculty regarding the texts and web-sites developed by Chris S
The principal objectives of 2014's development are* determine the content of 344/300 to be rolled out in the fall semester* align 344/300 with successor courses and professional options to maximize the student success rates in the latter courses== = Initially Resolved Issues ===
Cathy L, Danny A, Don F, Ron T, Ian T, Mary Lynn M, Chris S present
* Data Representation is now fully covered in ULI101
* OOP344 will be compulsory in CPA/CPAC from Fall 2013
* OOP344 and BAC344 are still optional in CPD
== Course Specific ==
=== IPC144/BTP100 ===
* start with using namespace std; and cout - then switch to std::cout once header file requires iostream - header file should not include using namespace std
* unit tests - two sections added - in Modular Programming (week 1) - in Abstract Base Classes (week 11)
==== Issues Raised - still unresolved and Resolved - Final Draft ====* which optional sections should be optional in for 244 - still undecideddecided* move copy ctors and = ops moved just after Current Object* move virtual functions and abstract base classes moved ahead of templates* appendix on library functions added
=== OOP344/BTP300 ===
* no progress yetGathering requests to be considered for inclusion in 344/300 until Feb 21 2014* Requests will be classed under 3 categories - mandatory, optional, excluded* discussions started Discussions on Aug requested items closing date April 4==== Suggested Topics for Inclusion (not decided) ====* pthreads - CMS* rvalue references and move constructors - CMS* constexpr - CMS* extern template - CMS* initializer lists - CMS* range based for - CMS* function objects, lambda expressions - CMS* Makefiles - CMS* assertions - CMS* message passing amongst objects - CMS* event handling - CMS* reflection - CMS ==== Proposed Learning Outcomes ====aligned with C# and Java follow up courses - deadline for feedback Feb 28* describe and implement inheritance using abstract base classes, interfaces, and multiple base classes* describe and implement polymorphism using templates and virtual functions* describe and implement data management using linked lists* apply established algorithms to programming solutions using standard libraries* describe separation of concerns using patterns, encapsulation, and closures* describe and implement programming solutions for multi-processor hardware using multi-threading* describe and implement persistent storage of objects using file streamsthis initial draft was accepted in principle by the program coordinators no feedback received from faculty regarding scope by the Feb 28 2013deadline feedback from new hires on the phrasing itself* how CAE has strong opinions about the structure of learning outcomes, which are incompatible with the outcomes pr4oposed above second draft in response* implement/demonstrate inheritance relationships between objects using abstract base classes, interfaces, and multiple base classes* implement/demonstrate polymorphic types using virtual functions and templates* implement/demonstrate separation of concerns in object design using encapsulation, closures, and patterns* implement multi-threaded solutions for multi-processor hardware using pThreads* implement persistent storage of objects using file streams* implement memory management using dynamic allocation and linked lists* apply established algorithms to programming solutions using standard libraries CMS subsequently found and distributed the following article by the ITiCSE Workgroup, which speaks to the uniqueness of computer science education with respect to generic educational taxonomies* [ Developing a Computer-Science-specific Learning Taxonomy] ==== March 5 2014 ========= Pre-Meeting Notes =====* preliminary stats results under old curriculum:** students in MAP523, DSA555 and GPU610 tend to do poorly relative to their performance in OOP344** students in other pro options tend to do better than they did in OOP344* faculty meeting scheduled for March 5 to review current state and steps forward ===== Attendance 3 Sessions 10:00-11:35, 11:40-13:30, 14:00-15:00 =====Cathy Leung, Elliott Coleshill, Peter McIntyre, Mark Fernandes, Ian Tipson, Marcel Silva, Danny Abesdris, John Selmys, Andrew Smith, Sunny Shi, Peter Liu, Chris Szalwinski ===== General Topics Discussed ===== * IPC144 - CL - we should compress the list of topics covered in depth by all instructors in the course - CS asked CL to create a section list of the key topics (variables, control flow, pointers, functions, arrays, structs, files) - CL students should be directed to other topics without spending too much time* IPC144/BTP100 - JS, AS, IT, CS - malloc and free should be introduced in IPC144/BTP100 - would precede new and delete in second semester and set a better groundwork for understanding memory management and manipulation in third semester* OOP244/BTP200 - Test 1 results show good distribution of grades - problem with high DNAs needs to be investigated* ICA - CL - a non-credit pre-course should be created for students to learn basic tools and skills such as git at their own discretion - no objections* CDOT - MF, CS, IT - skills specifically required for working in CDOT should be taught separately in a non-credit course run and taught by CDOT faculty - students who wish to work in CDOT should be encouraged to take these courses to improve their chances of getting hired at CDOT (no objection)* Best Practices - DA, IT - a set of best teaching practices should be collected to assist faculty in the programming courses* Fresh Assignments - CL, IT, MF - a culture of creating fresh assignments should encouraged - many faculty simply recycle old assignments (no objections, some skepticism)* Stacked Assignments - IT, CL - students who have not completed one part of a stacked assignment should receive an object version of that assignment so as not to be held back relative to other students in the class* Content Heavy - DA - DA noted that programming courses are still content heavy* unit testing - AS - should be introduced gradually - several standard tools are available * Data Management - MF, EC - students have very little understanding of memory - this needs to be improved ===== OOP344/BTP300 =====Outcomes discussed:* comfort with inheritance (abstract base classes, multiple inheritance), polymorphism (interfaces, virtual functions, templates), data management, data structures (linked lists and multi-dimensional arrays), standard template library, function objects, lambda expressions, collections of objects and containers, file streams* remove cross-platform coding, variadic functions* develop new assignments Phrasing Outcomes: what is to be assessed must be clear (CS). Students learn Computer Science through thorough mastery of progressively more abstract schemas built on more fundamental ones (CS) [[Image:ACM SIGSCE 39(4) 152.png|thumb|292px| Learning Taxonomy]] ====== Third Draft Learning Outcomes ======synthesis of input and exclusions recommended to March 11 2014:# model collections of objects using sequential containers# implement allocation, access and deallocation of dynamic memory using multi-dimensional arrays and linked lists of objects# model the hiding of information using function objects and closures# model generalization and specialization of object properties using inheritance hierarchies, which include both single and multiple base classes# implement polymorphic types using interfaces, virtual functions and templates (generics)# implement solution artifacts using algorithms from the standard template library# implement asynchronous execution within programming solutions using multi-threading# implement persistent storage of objects and collections of objects using file stream objects ====== Fourth Draft Learning Outcomes ======feedback: may have too many outcomes to cover (content bloat) - MF revision to reduce the number of topics that must be tested (March 14 2014): OOP344:# model collections of objects using sequential containers, multi-dimensional arrays and linked lists# model the hiding of information using function objects and closures# model generalization and specialization of object properties using inheritance hierarchies# model polymorphic types using interfaces, virtual functions and templates (generics)# implement solution artifacts using algorithms from the standard template library# implement asynchronous execution within programming solutions using multi-threading BTP300:# model collections of objects using sequential containers, multi-dimensional arrays and linked lists# model the hiding of information using function objects and closures# model generalization and specialization of object properties using inheritance hierarchies, including single and multiple base classes# model polymorphic types using interfaces, virtual functions and templates (generics)# implement solution artifacts using algorithms from the standard template library# implement asynchronous execution within programming solutions using multi-threading# implement persistent storage of objects and collections of objects using file stream objects ====== Centre for Academic Excellence ======* CS unable to reach initial agreement with CAE - telephone conversation** VL (Valerie Lopes)'s opinion*** finds verbs 'model' and 'implement' questionable*** third part of outcome should answer the question why learn this*** thinks that CVS (Credential Validation Service) would not accept these outcomes*** thinks that PEQAB (Post-Secondary Education Quality Assessment Board) would not accept these outcomes*** finds insufficient difference between OOP344 and BTP300 outcomes** CS's response*** proposed learning outcomes are in the three-part format outlined by CAE - action verb | field of knowledge | assessment criteria*** verbs of the two-dimensional matrix shown above express learning taxonomy for programming subjects notably better than popular generic verbs of hierarchical taxonomies*** 'model' and 'implement' are ComSci jargon that differentiate productive activity in the construction of artifacts and have well-understood and specific meanings to subject experts*** assessment criteria trump the question 'why learn this' as the third part of the outcome statement*** there is agreement between diploma and degree coordinators regarding differences between OOP344 and BTP300* IT spoke with Kevin Pitts of CAE and received the following clarifications** the audience for approving learning outcomes is ministry employees who wish to know the purpose of each outcome (in addition to what we have proposed)** the learning outcomes for diploma and degree must not be identical - the ministry is watching for this ====== Fifth Draft of the Learning Outcomes ======* CL objected to the wholesale removal of linked lists from OOP344* CS and IT propose adding tracing of a linked list CAE requirements are <u>underlined</u>, additions and changes are in '''bold''' OOP344: # <u>design</u> collections of '''model''' objects using sequential containers and multi-dimensional arrays <u>to solve a systems or business problem</u># model information hiding using function objects and closures <u>to specialize a programming solution for a particular application</u># model generalization and specialization of object properties using inheritance hierarchies <u>to minimize the duplication of code</u># '''model polymorphic behavior''' using interfaces, virtual functions and templates (generics) <u>to amplify the reusability of code</u># implement solution artifacts using algorithms '''and iterators''' '''of''' the standard template library <u>to utilize existing technologies</u># implement '''concurrency''' within a programming solution using multi-threading '''libraries''' <u>to improve the performance of a program</u># '''trace the execution of a program that includes a linked list''' <u>to debug an application</u> BTP300: # <u>design</u> collections of '''model''' objects using sequential containers, multi-dimensional arrays '''and linked lists''' <u>to solve a complex systems or business problem</u># model information hiding using function objects and closures <u>to specialize a programming solution for a particular application</u># model generalization and specialization of object properties using inheritance hierarchies, including single and multiple base classes <u>to minimize the duplication of code in complex hierarchies</u># '''model polymorphic behavior''' using interfaces, virtual functions and templates (generics) <u>to amplify the reusability of code</u># implement solution artifacts using algorithms '''and iterators''' '''of''' the standard template library <u>to utilize existing technologies</u># implement '''concurrency''' within a programming solution using multi- e.g. threading '''libraries''' <u>to improve the performance of a program</u># implement '''persistence''' <s>of objects and collections of objects</s> using file stream objects <u>to backup data for future restoration</u># <s>trace the execution of program instructions that include a linked list</s> ====== Sixth Draft of the Learning Outcomes ======* April 2 2014** CL, IT and CS agreed to move linked lists to DSA555, move semanticsSTL from DSA555 to OOP344, and add outcomes to OOP344 that address quadratic complexity and memory addressing* * CL, IT and CS also edited the wording of the fifth draft OOP344: # design collections of model objects using sequential containers and multi-dimensional arrays to solve a systems or business problem# create function objects and closures to customize a programming solution for a particular application # model generalization and specialization using inheritance hierarchies to minimize the duplication of code# model polymorphic behavior using interfaces, virtual functions and templates (generics) to what extent should amplify the reusability of code# implement design components using algorithms of the standard template library to utilize existing technologies# create program components of quadratic complexity to solve non-linear problems# design program components using raw pointers and pointer arithmetic to access data in program memory# design multi-tasked solutions using threading libraries to improve the performance of a program BTP300: # design collections of model objects using sequential containers and multi-dimensional arrays to solve a complex systems or business problem# create function objects and closures to customize a programming solution for a particular application# model generalization and specialization using single and multiple inheritance to minimize the duplication of code in complex hierarchies# model polymorphic behavior using interfaces, virtual functions and templates (generics) to amplify the reusability of code# implement design components using algorithms of the standard template library to utilize existing technologies# create program components of quadratic complexity to solve non-linear problems# design program components using raw pointers, pointer arithmetic, and smart pointers to access data in program memory# design multi-tasked solutions using threading libraries to improve the performance of a program# design file stream objects to backup text and binary data for future restoration# trace the execution of program code that includes a linked list to debug an application ====== Topics Covered in OOP344 BTP300 ======Proposals:* CL add file stream objects binary to learning outcomes (CS do we cover threads want to mandate that this be tested?)* CS correction to topics lists** Multi- pthreadsThreading*** thread, mutex, compiler condition_variable classes*** future class template*** OpenMP directives, language extensions
== To Be Done ==
* IPC144/BTP100
** fix selection sort example** replace sorting applets with alternatives** revise chapter on structs so that it can be covered immediately following arrays and before strings
* OOP244/BTP200
** Chris S to upgrade the web site to include the agreed C++11 changes by mid-October 2013 - first draft is complete- done** Chris S to produce pdf by mid-October 2013- done** full changes and notes will be introduced in Winter 2014- done
* OOP344/BTP300
** Chris S to start work later in prepare full subject outlines by end of the semester- done** full changes and notes will be introduced in Summer Fall 2014- done** Mary Lynn M Chris S and Fardad to solicit Fardad's view agree on these all changes** Fardad requests lab tutor for 2 + 2 to succeed- lab assistants will be available (MLM)
* JAC444/MAP524 for CPA
** Selmys suggests replacing JAC444 with MAP524 OR allowing students to choose one, because
*** Android is the world's most popular mobile platform.
= Curriculum Development (2012, 2013) =
The principal objectives of these sessions are
: to align the programming stream courses with the C11 and C++11 standards
: to address the success rate of first semester students in the CPA program
: to move towards alignment with Java courses
== Resolved Allocation Issues ==
* Data Representation needs to be taught in first semester in another stream
: add inline functions - done
: add parameter defaults - done
: add simple file objects- done
: move type safe casting nearer start
: add simple function templates to polymorphism- done: add abstract base classes- done
: trivial additions to align with standard ([ see detail page])
* OOP344/BTP300
: full exposure to the standard template library - done: conceptual-level introduction to linked lists - done: add multi-threading- done: add rvalues and move constructors- done
: trivial additions to align with standard ([ see detail page])
* Beyond OOP344/BTP300
:DSA555/BTP500 to implement and model linked lists
: trivial additions to align with standard ([ see detail page])
* agree timeline for implementing changes - done
: [ Proposed Timeline for Implementation]
== Curriculum Meeting October 30 2014 ==
[[File:Mid-Semester Meeting - F14.png|thumb|292px| Map of Revisions]]
* S2170 - 13:30 - 15:10
* attendees: Mark Fernandes, Peter McIntyre, Sunny Shi, Mary Lynn Manton, Andrew Smith, Cathy Leung, Olivier St Cyr, Danny Abedris, Marcel Silva, Justin Denny, Joseph Hughes, Fardad Soleimanloo, Elliott Coleshill, Greg Blair, Tim McKenna, Marc Gurwitz, Chris Szalwinski
* Chris presented an overview of the curriculum revisions begun in the Winter of 2012, identifying the 2011 language standards and the college policy on experiential learning (the shift to a 2+2 mode of instruction across all three semesters) as the references for the revision:
* Chris presented the mid-semester Fall 2014 grades for all three semesters
* Feedback from instructors (thank you):
** Lew Baxter has edited the IPC144/BTP100 notes extensively pages 1-58
** Justin Denney has edited the OOP244/BTP200 notes extensively
* Topics discussed in detail included:
** teaching students debugging skills across all three semesters
*** emphasizing the process rather than the tricks or the tools
*** inserting an additional workshop in each semester dedicated to the debugging process
*** adding small debugging problems to the existing workshops
*** fair consensus on this issue
** learning outcomes
*** Peter summarized plans in summer 2015 to review the learning outcomes for IPC144/BTP100 and OOP244/BTP200 to bring them to the same standard as OOP345/BTP305
** relationship between workshops and assignments
*** shift to more weight on the workshops 15% - 20%
*** faculty is clearly divided on this point
**** Cathy and Marcel wanted shorter, simpler workshops and deeper assignments, Cathy finds the workshops too mathy
**** Chris disagreed. Wants to make the assignments simpler and lighter - synthesis of the material covered in the workshops
* meeting concluded at 15:10
=== To Be Done ===
* IPC144/BTP100
** fix selection sort example - done
** replace sorting applets with alternatives
** revise chapter on structs so that it can be covered immediately following arrays and before
** incorporate Lew's corrections (pages 1-58) into the text and web site - done
** Lew to review and edit remaining pages in the text
* OOP244/BTP200
** incorporate Justin's corrections into the text and the web site
* OOP345/BTP305
** to be determined
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== Curriculum Meeting December 17 2014 ==
* T4040 14:30-15:55
* Attendees: Greg Blair, Elliott Coleshill, Elnaz Delpisheh, Justin Denney, Mark Fernandes, Joseph Hughes, Hasan Kamal-Al-Deen, Cathy Leung, Mary Lynn Manton, Franz Newland, Olivier St Cyr, Yue (Sunny) Shi, Marcel Silva, Fardad Soleimanloo, Chris Szalwinski, Ian Tipson
* [[Media:The_New_Core_Programming_Curriculum_at_ICT.pdf | Fall Semester 2014 Report]]
* The faculty members made the following recommendations:
# Edit and clarify word problem descriptions on both tests and exams. Improve conciseness and remove ambiguity for students who are still in initial stages of learning the English language. Implement a standard template with which the students become familiar throughout the semester so that they spend minimum time determining what is being asked of them. The focus in semesters one and two should be on testing their programming skills only. Leave the requirements analysis to more dedicated courses that run in parallel or follow afterwards.
# Provide comprehensive and prompt feedback for each workshop submission in order to engage students. Hire part-time tutors for this purpose, leaving only the marking to the instructor. Tutor feedback should be available throughout the first three semesters.
# Hold review sessions outside class time for students who have found material too difficult to understand the first time around. Part-time tutors can run these review sessions on a weekly basis.
# Several faculty member expressed disappointment with the quality of service that learning center tutors provide. Comments included a lack of understanding of the more modern material being introduced and providing solutions instead of showing students how to find those solutions.
# Prefer two double-sided reference sheets to open book during tests and exams.
# Print test and exam papers in color. Students have found this particularly helpful in the reading of walkthrough problems.
# Learn applications of Cognitive Load Theory to the teaching of our programming subjects. The material covered in the Foundations of Teaching and Learning is insufficient for programming students. Faculty expressed an interest in a deeper understanding of cognitive psychology.
# Instructors need to step up to prepare labs for more variety beyond the default labs that are currently available. Several faculty members remarked that they do not have time to do so.
# Weekly coordination meetings in multi-section subjects are quite important. They allow instructors to share experience, help identify student difficulties across the sections, ensure that instructors are on the same page with respect to emphasis and provide more equitable assessments[MLM1] .
Fardad noted that in order to accommodate active learning by his students, he prepared all of his examples before class and would move them to the screen as he lectured. This saved considerable time over entering code which requires the students to wait for him to finish. Elliott noted that he too prepared his sample code off-line for the same purpose.
* [MLM] I’d like to see a recommendation for a mid-semester promo meeting for all first semester courses. This is over-and-above what this report represents but it also flags students struggling across all first semester subjects and may warrant a different kind of intervention than an individual subject intervention.
* Chris' Suggestions:
# Increase the weight of the workshops in BTP100 to 20%
# Normalize the weight of the workshops in IPC144 at 20%
# Turn the workshops into mini-assignments with one final project that integrates them as the sole assignment in each course
# Stress the importance of attendance – workshop periods are not optional
# Assist students who complete exercises and workshops yet fail their tests
# Embed in-class exercises within lectures – instructor circulates amongst students [MLM what about doing this as group or team in-class exercises. No more than 3 in a team. Reduces load on faculty and at the same time allows students to learn from each other. Ask a team to present their solution or many teams (e.g. Active Learning Classrooms are perfect for this(!) and then talk to a couple of teams’ proposed solution to get a sense of why some solutions are better than others.]
# Review and refine the learning outcomes for the 1st and 2nd semester courses
# Identify more optional sections in the subject web sites and in-house textbooks to reduce content without interrupting flow through the central core of the material
# Develop baskets of workshops for the courses to increase variety
* Chris' further suggestions:
# Learning Outcomes - Should the criteria for passing IPC144/BTP100 be defined primarily in terms of what is necessary to commence studying OOP244/BTP200 and those for passing OOP244/BTP200 be defined in terms of what is necessary to commence studying OOP345/BTP305?
# Should the core programming subjects move towards more practice and away from the final exam making it optional (so students can improve their grade)?
# Should we modify our policy of granting SUPs to include those weaker students who have completed the exercises, demonstrated effort throughout the course and only failed the final exam?
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== Start-Up Meeting September 8 2015 ==
* T4040 14:30-15:45
* Attendees: Ron Tarr, Ian Tipson, Catherine Leung, Peter Liu, Tim McKenna, Mark Fernandes, Marek Laskowski, Joseph Hughes, Hasan Kamal-al-Deen, Eden Burton, Fardad Soleimanloo, Patrick Crawford, Andrew Smith, Mariam Daoud, Mary Lynn Manton, Chris Szalwinski
* [[Media:Start-Up Meeting September 8 2015.pdf | Fall Semester 2015 Start Up Notes]]
== Curriculum Meeting October 8 2015 ==
* S3007 15:30-17:00
* Attendees: Peter McIntyre, Ian Tipson, Catherine Leung, Tim McKenna, Mark Fernandes, Elnaz Delipsheh, Fardad Soleimanloo, Patrick Crawford, Greg Blair, Sunny Shi, Mary Lynn Manton, Chris Szalwinski
* [[Media:Curriculum Meeting October 8 2015.pdf | Fall Semester 2015 Curriculum Meeting Notes]]
== Curriculum Meeting December 3 2015 ==
* S1208 15:30-17:00
* Attendees: Edgardo Arvelaez, Greg Blair, Arta Kogan, Eden Burton, Mark Fernandes, Rahul Thomas, Elliott Coleshill, Patrick Crawford, Elnaz Delpisheh, Fardad Soleimanloo, Catherine Leung, Mary Lynn Manton, Ian Tipson, Joseph Hughes, Hasan Kamal-al-deen, Chris Szalwinski
* [[Media:Curriculum Meeting December 3 2015.pdf | Fall Semester 2015 Curriculum Meeting 3 Notes]]
= Ongoing Issues =
*:# in early semesters, using repos as individual drop box, and versioning and then move to collaboration features in later semesters
*:# which repositories should be introduced?
=== On the Difficulty of Teaching Programming ===
Here is a summary of the presentation I made on Tuesday January 6th, 2015 to discuss observations<br />
and recommendations I made regarding our approach to delivering content in<br />
introductory courses (specifically IPC144).
=== collaboration ===