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Team I - OOP344 20133

4,083 bytes added, 01:17, 14 December 2013
The Application
= Team NameInfinity=[;;;;?subject=oop344- EMAIL US]
== Project Marking Percentage ==
* due right after study break
Group work: XX50% (25 <= xx <= 50) Individual work: XX50% + (50 <= xx <= 75)
Total 100%
== Repository ==
* repo path: === Master Branch Status =======Status====*'''''Open/Closed''Team Infinity'''*Repo Path: Openhttps: you can merge now. *: Closed: Wait for the repo to get opened====Logs====* DateTime, Merged/being Merged by [ full name], ircnick: mynick, any other info == Coding Style and Standards ==* No Tab Character allowed/github. (replace tabs with spaces)* Each object must have its own type:<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">int a;int b;CDialog D;<com/syntaxhighlight><Seneca-OOP344/big>Team-I
== Team Members ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" align="center" bgcolor="#6B8DD6"|+ <h2 style="color=blue;font-weight:900;">Team Name (team x)Infinity</h2>
! First Name !! Last Name !! Section !! Seneca Id !! wiki id !! IRC nick !! Blog URL
|[[User:Deval Patel | devalvoraDeval]]|| Patel || A C || [ drpatel17] || [[Special:Contributions/WikiID |Deval Rameshbhai Patel]] || DevalPatel Mario1005 || []|-|[[User:Kamleshkumar Jayantibhai Korat | Kamleshkumar]]|| Korat || C || [ kjkorat] || [[Special:Contributions/WikiID|Kamleshkumar Jayantibhai Korat]] || Maverick344 || [] |-|[[User:Kashyap Babubhai Patel | Kashyap]]|| Patel || C || [ kbpatel13] ||[[Special:Contributions/WikiID|Kashyap Babubhai Patel]] || H3ll0W0rld || [] |-|[[User:Zhenyang Chen | Zhenyang]]|| Chen || A || [ zchen91] || [[Special:Contributions/WikiID|Zhenyang Chen]] || crans ||[]
== tasks Tasks ===== task name The Application===<b>Mandatory</b><br/># <u>'''Browse Record'''</u><span style="color:green;font-weight:900">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Complete</span>#* Member: Kamlesh Korat, Deval Patel, Zhenyang Chen, Kashyap Patel# <u>'''Append Empty Record'''</u><span style="color:green;font-weight:900">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Complete</span>#* Member: Kamlesh Korat, Deval Patel, Zhenyang Chen# <u>'''Edit Record'''</u>#* task descriptionMember:  <B>Optional</B># <u>'''Search Record'''</u>#* being done by team member name Member: # <u>'''Delete Record'''</ not assigned u>#* statusMember:
===Release 0.4===
# <u>'''CButton - 25%'''</u><span style="color:green;font-weight:900">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Complete</span>
#* Member: Kamlesh Korat
# <u>'''CCheckMark - 25%'''</u><span style="color:green;font-weight:900">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Complete</span>
#* Member: Deval Patel
# <u>'''CValEdit - 25%'''</u><span style="color:green;font-weight:900">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Complete</span>
#* Member: Kashyap Patel
# <u>'''CMenuItem - 25%'''</u><span style="color:green;font-weight:900">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Complete</span>
#* Member: Zhenyang Chen
== meetings =Release 0.3 is due Nov 4th, 23:59===# <u>'''Prototyping - 16%'''</u><span style="color:green;font-weight:900">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Complete</span>#* Member: Zhenyang Chen# <u>'''CLabel - 17%'''</u><span style="color:green;font-weight:900">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Complete</span>#* Member: Kamlesh Korat # <u>'''CDialog - 50%'''</u><span style="color:green;font-weight:900">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Complete</span>#* latest will be on topMember: Deval Patel and Zhenyang Chen # <u>'''CLineEdit - 17%'''</u><span style="color:green;font-weight:900">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Complete</span>#* Member: Kashyap Patel ===Release 0.2 is due October 20th, 23:59=== # Organize and complete team page - <span style="font-weight:bold">by Deval Patel, Kamlesh Korat, Zhenyang Chen, Kashyap Patel</span># Select a team member's console.cpp and console.h to use - <span style="font-weight:bold">by Zhenyang Chen</span>#* That team member should branch and clone repository and add the files to it as well as comment on cframe.h with github id, date, and time and merge it back# All other members clone the repository, comment, and test the execution of CFrame - <span style= topic"font-weight:bold">by Kamlesh Korat, Deval Patel, Kashyap Patel</span>#* The comment should include your github id, date , and time in the cframe.h file#* Push the final changes to github == Coding Style and Standards == * The following will serve as an example of our coding standard:<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">#ifndef __TEAMINFINITY_FILENAME_H__ // Our Team's Safeguard#define __TEAMINFINITY_FILENAME_H__  class example { // There will be a space after every class identifier for the definition public: int _data; // Member variables should start with an underscore int _arraySize // Use meaningful names for variables when applicable and use lower Camel Case int _width; // Every object have its own type char* _pArray; // Pointers should have * part of the type void display():}; void example::display() { // There will be a space after every function identifier for the definition } #endif ... #include <iostream>#include <cstring>using namespace std; int main() { int a = 0; // Indentation is 2 spaces int b = 1; // NO Tab characters allowed! Replace every tab character with 2 spaces. char name[[Irc logs of meeting ] = "Spoom"; // Put a newline after variable declaration if(a > b ? a : b) { a = a * b; // Put a space between EVERY variable and operator } // Put a newline after a control structure if(!strcmp(unique name, "Spoom")) - oop344 20113 | date]]{ cout << "Welcome, Spoom!" << endl; // Every statement within a control structure will } // be wrapped in braces, even if there is only 1 line else { // Else statement will be on a newline after the If control structure cout << "Get out." << endl; }  return 0;}Courtesy:Team B</syntaxhighlight></big>