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Team G - OOP344 20133

3,136 bytes added, 18:37, 1 December 2013
= Team NameGodzilla=
== Project Marking Percentage ==
* due right after study break
Group work: XX50% (25 <= xx <= 50) Individual work: XX50% + (50 <= xx <= 75)
Total 100%
== Repository ==
* repo path:
=== Master Branch Status ===
* Merged/being Merged by [ full name], ircnick: mynick, any other info
* Merging branch - by [ Haysean Maharajah], codegenetix
* Merge complete - by [ Haysean Maharajah], codegenetix 21:51
== Coding Style and Standards ==
int b;
CDialog D;
Tab Spaces:---5
Class Names:---Start with upper case letter.
Variable names: ---Start with lower case letter. eg: int test;
Multiple word Variable names: ---Start with lower case and then following words start with upper case. eg: char empName;
Function/Method names:--- Start with lower case letter. eg: display();
Multiple word Function/Method names:--- Start with lower case and then following words start with upper case. eg: char getData();
Verticle spacing: ---Single spaces between assignments (= +=...) double otherwise
Comments:--- Comments go above or at end of line. End of functions and control structures which are more than 5 lines must be commented
Class Variables:---Begin with _
|[[User:Haysean Maharajah| Haysean]]|| Maharajah || B || [ codegenetix] || [[Special:Contributions/WikiID | Haysean Maharajah]] || codegenetix ||['s Blog]
|[[User:Jonathan Hivon | Jonathan]]|| Hivon || B || [ johivon] || [[Special:Contributions/WikiID | temporaryJonathan Hivon]] || temporary OoBb ||[http://zenitjonathanhivon.senecacwordpress.on.cacom/wiki/index.php/User:Jonathan_HivonJo's Blog]
== tasks ==
*Gilbert is unable to compile using the repository.
<h3>'''CIO 20133 Release 0.4'''</h3> <u>'''Prototyping '''</u>* Member: Jonathan Hivon* Task: Create prototypes and empty definitions for all classes* Status: <span style="color:green">Complete</span> <u>'''R0.4.1: CButton'''</u>* Member: Jonathan Hivon* Task: code cbutton.cpp and cbutton.h* Status: <span style="color:green">Complete</span> <u>'''R0.4.2: CValEdit'''</u>* Member: Haysean Maharajah* Task: code cvaledit.cpp and cvaledit.h* Status: <span style="color:green">Complete</span> <u>'''R0.4.3: CCheckMark'''</u>* Member: Jonathan Hivon & Haysean Maharajah* Task: code ccheckmark.cpp and ccheckmark.h* Status: <span style="color:green">Complete</span> <u>'''R0.4.4: CMenuItem'''</u>* Member: Gilbert Quach* Task: code cmenuitem.cpp and cmenuitem.h* Status: <span style= task name "color:green">Complete</span>  <h3>'''CIO 20133 Release 0.3'''</h3> <u>'''1. Prototyping '''</u>* Member: Bing Pang* Task: Create prototypes and empty definitions for all classes* Status: <span style="color:green">Complete</span> <u>'''2. CLabel '''</u>* Member: Bing Pang* Task: Code CLabel.h and CLabel.cpp* Status: <span style="color:green">Complete</span>  <u>'''3. CDialog '''</u>* Member: Haysean Maharajah & Jonathan Hivon* Task: Code CDialog.h and CDialog.cpp* Status: <span style="color:green">Complete</span> <u>'''4. CLineEdit'''</u>* Member: Gilbert Quach* Task: Code CLineEdit.h and CLineEdit.cpp* Status: <span style="color:green">Complete</span> <h3>'''CIO 20133 Release 0.2'''</h3> 1. Create your teampage using this template. '''COMPLETED BY GILBERT QUACH''' 2. Select one of the team member's console.cpp and console.h '''COMPLETED BY JONATHAN HIVON''' * task descriptionThat team member should branch and clone the repository, add console.cpp and console.h to the files in the repository, compile, run and test the execution.* being When done by this team member should add her/his name / not assigned* status, github id and the date and time of the completion (as a comment) to cframe.h and merge the branch back to the master repo and push the changes up to github.
3. All other team members must clone the repository and test the execution of CFrame: '''COMPLETED'''
* Branch the master for review with a proper name.
* Compile, run and test the execution.
* Add a comment with your, github id and date and time to the top of cframe.h header file.
* Merge the branch back into the master branch.
* Push the changes to github.
== meetings ==