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Lima X Driver

Lima X Driver

This project should have an outcome of the Lima Drivers being packaged successfully with fedora. I hope to test this on a snowball board or a samsung Oriegen board. I have done some research into these pieces of hardware! Some Links to consider!

More info to come soon!

Project Description

This is a driver for the Mali GPU hardware. It should be able to work with a number of devices including the Oriegin and Snowball boards.

Expected outcome: The Limo X driver is packaged and present in Fedora.

Skills required: packaging, kernel/module building, testing

Web reference:

Maximum number of participants: 1

Resources: Peter Robinson (pbrobinson)

Project Leader(s)

Ahmad Taychouri
Wiki Page: User: damha
IRC: damha

Project Contributor(s)

Project Details

Project Plan

Tracking mechanism (bugzilla, trac, github, ...):

Key contacts:

Goals for each release and plans for reaching those goals:

  • 0.1 - Get Package Compiled in fedora environment
  • 0.2 - Optimize package for efficiency and submit to Fedora Packaging Review Comittee
  • 0.3 - Have Final Package for presentation, maybe a board to test it on.


Mailing Lists

Upsteam Wiki and Web

Fedora Project How to setup android SDK: How to.


Some research conducted on day 1 on Snowball:

Some research conducted on day 1 on Oriegen:

Source Code Control


Seneca Particpants

Non-Seneca Participants

Blog Post how to which may be helpful. Includes Screen shots of setup.How To


Project News