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Hello Android

Hello Android Application on Fedora

  1. Start by creating a new Android project. Fill in the project name, Application name, Package name and Activity.
  2. Open up the program in the edit window.
  3. Modify the code so that it looks similar to this.
  4. Create a new run configuration for the project. Click Apply but don't run the application yet. Just close this window.
  5. Open up the Adndroid SDK and AVD manager. Select the platform to run on (2.2 in my case) and click the Start button.
  6. In the Launch window just click Launch to start the emulator.
  7. The Android emulator will start out looking like this.
  8. But then it will switch to this after a minute or so.
  9. Now Run your Android application. The Console window might look something like this.
  10. Finally, click on the Menu button on the Android emulator and you should see the results of your Hello Android application.

Congratulations! You've just run your first Android app.