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BTP300B A2 Teams Fall 2013

Revision as of 18:05, 6 October 2013 by Alek Minassian (talk | contribs)


  • Designate a team leader and post up a brief description of responsibilities for each team member.
    • The team leader is in charge of merging a branch with the trunk.
    • Each team member must keep a log of testing that has been done at the branch level. The log should indicate what tests have been done on the code and the dates of testing.
  • Your team should keep the Weekly Bugs Report updated.
  • The team members should communicate with each other regularly.
  • Each team member must submit a brief report when an assignment is due. The report consists of peer evaluation, team work experiences, and programming experiences. On a scale of 0 (lowest) - 5 (highest), you should assign a score to your team member and yourself.
  • Please contact your professor ASAP if you have team work issues.

BTP300B - List of Team Members (3-4 students) for A2
Team Number Team Members PLAN FOR TEAM WORK WEEKLY BUGS REPORT A2 Completed


Dennis Villasenor
Huda. R
Shianne Lee
Work Plan Accomplishments and Bug Reports N


Member 1 (Team Leader)
Member 2
Member 3
Work Plan Accomplishments and Bug Reports N


Alek Minassian (Team Leader)
Anson Tan
Justin Flowers
Work Plan Accomplishments and Bug Reports N


Member 1 (Team Leader)
Member 2
Member 3
Work Plan Accomplishments and Bug Reports N