Jingwei Sun
My name is Luke Jingwei Sun
- A geek who is curious about everything!
IRC Formal Nickname: John_Titor
GitHub: https://github.com/Parthas-Menethil
Email: jsun72@myseneca.ca
Blog: http://blog.xparthas.com
Skills Level
Grand Master: TBA
Master: VB.NET, VB6
Artisan: C#
Expert: Java, Ruby
Journeyman: HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, C/C++, SQL Apprentice: Assembly Language, Python, Go Lang, Lisp(Scheme)
Currently Focusing On:
Learning Go Language : http://golang.org/
Learning Unity3D
A 3D Video Game On Mobile Platform made by Unity3D
Due to confidentiality policy, I have no right reveal the name until it releases.
Smart Room System
A system controls your rooms smartly.
You can use any mobile device which supports WIFI and HTML5 to control your room's light system, slide shows, media system and so on.
Prizes: Provincial First Prize, National Thrid Prize
Video(Mandarin dubbed with partial English subtite): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PU4YzSXvasM
More Comming Soom