- This script was kinda rushed, probably need to go back over it and fix some things
- Complete testing of all functions in this script has not been completed
- To show/track which version is posted here
commit 7e5e19709b8ffb3f06ea7287da5a058445123fd3
Author: Andrew Oatley-Willis <andrew.oatley-willis@senecacollege.ca>
Date: Fri Jun 28 11:46:44 2013 -0400
Bugs fixed
- Stop rsync if packages are unsigned
Added descriptions
- Added mash, sign, and rsync descriptions
- Output to show when a process has started and ended
- Source code of pidora-update.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Andrew Oatley-Willis
# Multi-purpose tool written in python for linux
# This script will allow for a single safeguarded process to run: sigul, mash, and rsync to pidora.ca
# It will do a sanity check on everything that is happening and prevent manual errors that could occur
# Every configuration is customizable on the command line with well named options
import optparse
import pysftp
import sys
import urllib2
import getpass
import crypt
import random
import re
import string
import subprocess
import os
class tools:
def __init__(self):
# Default configuration values
self.sigulhost = "england.proximity.on.ca"
self.mashhost = "japan.proximity.on.ca"
self.rsynchost = "pidora.proximity.on.ca"
self.siguluser = "agreene"
self.mashuser = "root"
self.rsyncuser = "pidorapr"
self.mashdir = "/usr/local/bin/mash-pidora"
self.kojitags = ['f18-updates', 'f18-rpfr-updates', 'f18-updates-testing', 'f18-rpfr-updates-testing']
self.email = "andrew.oatley-willis@senecacollege.ca"
self.auto = False
self.logdir = "/var/log/pidora-smr/"
self.logfile = "output"
# Create command line options
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='Usage: %prog [options]')
parser.add_option('-i', '--info', help='check machine status and configuration', dest='status', default=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_option('-a', '--all', help='sign, mash, rsync', dest='everything', default=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_option('-s', '--sign', help='sign all packages in listed tag', dest='sign', default=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_option('-m', '--mash', help='start a mash run', dest='mash', default=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_option('-r', '--rsync', help='perform a rsync of the mash repos', dest='rsync', default=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_option('-l', '--list-unsigned', help='list unsigned rpms', dest='listunsigned', default=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_option('--auto', help='enables logging and emails logs', dest='auto', default=self.auto, action='store_true')
parser.add_option('--koji-tag', help='specify the koji tag to sign', dest='kojitag', default=False, action='store')
parser.add_option('--email', help='specify the email to send logs to', dest='email', default=False, action='store', metavar=self.email)
parser.add_option('--sigul-user', help='specify the user for sigul', dest='siguluser', default=self.siguluser, action='store', metavar=self.siguluser)
parser.add_option('--sigul-host', help='specify the host for sigul', dest='sigulhost', default=self.sigulhost, action='store', metavar=self.sigulhost)
parser.add_option('--mash-user', help='specify the user for mash', dest='mashuser', default=self.mashuser, action='store', metavar=self.mashuser)
parser.add_option('--mash-host', help='specify the host for mash', dest='mashhost', default=self.mashhost, action='store', metavar=self.mashhost)
parser.add_option('--rsync-user', help='specify the user for rsync', dest='rsyncuser', default=self.rsyncuser, action='store', metavar=self.rsyncuser)
parser.add_option('--rsync-host', help='specify the host for rsync', dest='rsynchost', default=self.rsynchost, action='store', metavar=self.rsynchost)
parser.add_option('--log-dir', help='specify a logging directory', dest='logdir', default=self.logdir, action='store', metavar=self.logdir)
parser.add_option('--log-file', help='specify a log file name', dest='logfile', default=self.logfile, action='store', metavar=self.logfile)
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
# Check number of arguments and check for option switches
if len(sys.argv[1:]) == 0:
if opts.kojitag:
self.kojitags = [opts.kojitag]
if opts.sigulhost:
self.sigulhost = opts.sigulhost
if opts.mashhost:
self.mashhost = opts.mashhost
if opts.rsynchost:
self.rsynchost = opts.rsynchost
if opts.siguluser:
self.siguluser = opts.siguluser
if opts.mashuser:
self.mashuser = opts.mashuser
if opts.rsyncuser:
self.rsyncuser = opts.rsyncuser
if opts.email:
self.email = opts.email
if opts.auto:
self.auto = opts.auto
if opts.logdir:
self.logdir = opts.logdir
if opts.logfile:
self.logfile = self.logdir + opts.logfile
# Check for a few strange situations with options
self.signmash = False
self.signrsync = False
self.mashrsync = False
if opts.sign and opts.mash and opts.rsync:
opts.sign = False
opts.mash = False
opts.rsync = False
opts.everything = True
elif opts.sign and opts.mash:
opts.sign = False
opts.mash = False
self.signmash = True
elif opts.sign and opts.rsync:
opts.sign = False
opts.rsync = False
self.signrsync = True
elif opts.mash and opts.rsync:
opts.mash = False
opts.rsync = False
self.mashrsync = True
# Create lists of successful and failed hosts
mhosts, mfail = self.get_status(self.mashhost, self.mashuser)
shosts, sfail = self.get_status(self.sigulhost, self.siguluser)
rhosts, rfail = self.get_status(self.rsynchost, self.rsyncuser)
self.hosts = mhosts + shosts + rhosts
self.fhosts = mfail + sfail + rfail
# Start the main tasks
if opts.status:
print self.info()
elif self.sigulhost not in self.hosts: # Check connection with sigul host
self.email_exit('[Error]\nCannot connect to sigul: failed hosts: \n' + self.info(), subject='pidora-smr - failed', errors=1)
elif opts.listunsigned:
print 'Unsigned packages: ', self.kojitags
elif not opts.sign and not opts.mash and not opts.rsync and not opts.everything:
elif opts.sign:
self.email_exit('[Success]\nSign for pidora complete', subject='pidora-smr - success')
elif self.mashhost not in self.hosts: # Check connection with mash host
self.email_exit('[Error]\nCannot connect to mash: failed hosts: \n' + self.info(), subject='pidora-smr - failed', errors=1)
elif self.checksign():
print 'Unsigned packages: ', self.kojitags
print 'Cannot mash or rsync if packages are not signed'
elif opts.mash:
self.email_exit('[Success]\nMash for pidora complete', subject='pidora-smr - success')
elif self.rsynchost not in self.hosts: # Check connection with rsync host
self.email_exit('[Error]\nCannot connect to rsync: failed hosts: \n' + self.info(), subject='pidora-smr - failed', errors=1)
elif opts.rsync:
self.email_exit('[Success]\nRsync for pidora complete', subject='pidora-smr - success')
elif opts.everything:
self.email_exit('[Success]\nSign, mash, rsync for pidora complete', subject='pidora-smr - success')
# Email text and subject, written a little bit crazy...
def sendemail(self, subject, text):
arg = '-s "' + subject + '" "' + self.email + '"'
output = subprocess.check_output(['echo "' + str(text) + '" |mail ' + str(arg)], shell=True)
def logging(self, logme):
except OSError: pass
# Display all configuration data + hosts status
def info(self, infotype='all'):
if infotype == 'all':
info = ['\n[Connection]\nsigulhost = ' + self.sigulhost,
'siguluser = ' + self.siguluser,
'mashhost = ' + self.mashhost,
'mashuser = ' + self.mashuser,
'rsynchost = ' + self.rsynchost,
'rsyncuser = ' + self.rsyncuser,
'\n[General]\nauto = ' + str(self.auto),
'mashdir = ' + self.mashdir,
'kojitags = ' + str(self.kojitags),
'email = ' + self.email,
'\nlogdir = ' + self.logdir,
'logfile = ' + self.logfile,
'\n[Hosts]\nworking hosts: ' + str(self.hosts),
'failed hosts: ' + str(self.fhosts) + '\n']
elif infotype == 'sign':
info = ['\n[Connection]\nsigulhost = ' + self.sigulhost,
'siguluser = ' + self.siguluser,
'\n[General]\nauto = ' + str(self.auto),
'kojitags = ' + str(self.kojitags),
'logdir = ' + self.logdir,
'logfile = ' + self.logfile,
'\n[Hosts]\nworking hosts: ' + str(self.hosts),
'failed hosts: ' + str(self.fhosts) + '\n']
elif infotype == 'mash':
info = ['\n[Connection]\nmashhost = ' + self.mashhost,
'mashuser = ' + self.mashuser,
'\n[General]\nauto = ' + str(self.auto),
'mashdir = ' + self.mashdir,
'kojitags = ' + str(self.kojitags),
'\nlogdir = ' + self.logdir,
'logfile = ' + self.logfile,
'\n[Hosts]\nworking hosts: ' + str(self.hosts),
'failed hosts: ' + str(self.fhosts) + '\n']
elif infotype == 'rsync':
info = ['\n[Connection]\nrsynchost = ' + self.rsynchost,
'rsyncuser = ' + self.rsyncuser,
'mashdir = ' + self.mashdir,
'\n[General]\nauto = ' + str(self.auto),
'kojitags = ' + str(self.kojitags),
'\nlogdir = ' + self.logdir,
'logfile = ' + self.logfile,
'\n[Hosts]\nworking hosts: ' + str(self.hosts),
'failed hosts: ' + str(self.fhosts) + '\n']
return '\n'.join(info)
# Display text and exit or send an email and exit
def email_exit(self, text, subject=False, errors=0):
if self.auto and subject:
self.sendemail(subject, text)
print text
# Rsync to the repo directory
def rsync(self):
print '\n== Start: Rsync ==\n'
srv = pysftp.Connection(host=self.rsynchost, username=self.rsyncuser, log=True)
output = srv.execute('/home/pidorapr/bin/rsync-japan; echo $? > /home/pidorapr/.rsync-japan-exit-status')
for line in output:
print line.strip()
output = srv.execute('cat /home/pidorapr/.rsync-japan-exit-status')
if str(output.strip()) != '0':
self.email_exit('[Error]\nRsync failed stopping program\nExit status = ' + str(output.strip()) + self.info(), subject='pidora-smr - failed', errors=1)
# Check if hosts are online and can establish connection, return lists of failed and succesful hosts
def get_status(self, host, username):
hostname = []
fhost = []
check = self.connect(host, username)
if check:
return (hostname, fhost)
# Connect to the hosts, return True or False
def connect(self, host, username):
srv = pysftp.Connection(host=host, username=username, log=True)
return True
except urllib2.URLError as err:pass
return False
# Start a signing run across a designated tag
def sign(self):
print '\n== Start: Sign run ==\n'
print 'Koji tags marked for signing:'
for tag in self.kojitags:
print tag.strip()
print '\nEnter sigul key passphrase:'
password = getpass.getpass()
for tag in self.kojitags:
print "Signing packages in tag: " + tag
print "Packages found: "
print self.checksign()
tempfile1 = crypt.crypt(str(random.random()), "pidora" ) + '.log'
tempfile = tempfile1.replace("/", "")
tempdir = '~/.pidora/'
srv = pysftp.Connection(host=self.sigulhost, username=self.siguluser, log=True)
errors = srv.execute('mkdir ' + tempdir + ' 2>/dev/null')
errors = srv.execute('touch ' + tempdir + tempfile + '2>/dev/null')
output = srv.execute('~/.sigul/sigulsign_unsigned.py -v --password=' + password + ' --write-all --tag=' + tag + " pidora-18 2>" + tempdir + tempfile)
errors = srv.execute('cat ' + tempdir + tempfile)
# Scan through output and find errors! If errors are found, stop program and spit out error warnings
outputs = output + errors
errors = []
for output in outputs:
print output.strip()
if re.search('^ERROR:.*$', output):
if errors:
self.email_exit('[Error]\nError signing stopping program\n' + str(errors) + self.info(), subject='pidora-smr - failed', errors=1)
# Check koji for unsigned packages, returns True if unsigned rpms are found
def checksign(self):
check = False
for tag in self.kojitags:
srv = pysftp.Connection(host=self.sigulhost, username=self.siguluser, log=True)
output = srv.execute("~/.sigul/sigulsign_unsigned.py --just-list --tag=" + tag + " pidora-18")
for rpm in output:
print rpm.strip()
if rpm.strip() != "":
check = "unsigned rpms found"
if check:
return True
# Run mash and search through the log file for failed mash errors
def mash(self):
print '\n== Start: Mash run ==\n'
srv = pysftp.Connection(host=self.mashhost, username=self.mashuser, log=True)
output = srv.execute('/usr/local/bin/mashrun-pidora-18')
def checkmash(self):
errors = []
srv = pysftp.Connection(host=self.mashhost, username=self.mashuser, log=True)
output = srv.execute('cat /mnt/koji/mash/pidora-mash-latest/mash.log')
for line in output:
if re.search('^mash failed .*$', line):
if errors:
self.email_exit('[Error]\nmash failed on repo stopping program\n' + str(errors) + self.info(), subject='pidora-smr - failed', errors=1)
if __name__ == '__main__':